Desoxyn medication for Adhd
Crystal Meth is Used to help chill you out or hype up
What tweakers do when they leave to go somewhere really quick and eend up disappearing for 4-5 days. Finally when they come back they have no clue how long they were gone or what they did.
Tweaker: hey has anyone seen LT?
Joe: She left to get cigarettes 2 days ago and hasn't come back
Tweaker # 2: Yep, she took a meth-cation
Kinda self explainatory.... crazy, meth addict-like mad... completely unpredictable and sporadically gesturing mad..
I'm about to get meth mad so the doctor will see my pain and pay attention.
Meth eyeball is a condition where one of the eyeballs move in odd directions like lazy eye, but it is caused by years of crystal meth abuse.
Cassie’s nickname is Meth Eyeball, her boss Tammy fired her for smoking meth in the gas station shed.
The actions, emotional state or a way to describe the time of someone on Methamphetamines.
5 minutes in sober people's time turns into 60 minutes because of methness.
A person who is a dirty mutt for the meth, they only ever think about meth all day every day.
“Hey I asked Sam if I could borrow his hammer today, he replied with “if you bring meth”
Fuck Sam. His such a fucking meth mutt
Scientific/medical protocol/procedures decided upon and/or carried out while the administrators are trippin' out on drugs.
With the deplorable modern-age meth-odology, it's no wonder we have so many botched experiments.
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