The life series is a Minecraft SMP series created by Grian, the popular youtuber. This game is based on demise, a hardcore minigame. The idea of the life series is that you have a set amount of lives, and based on your proximity to final death (your last life) you will be hostile or passive towards the other players. The Life Series currently has six installments, those being(in order): Third Life, Last Life, Double Life, Limited Life, Secret Life, and the april fools one-off, Real Life. The players include: Grian, Solidaritygaming, Smallishbeans, Ldshadowlady, ImpulseSV, Ethoslab, BDoubleO100, InTheLittleWood, MumboJumbo, ZombieCleo, TangoTek, SMajor/DangThatsALongName, PearlescentMoon, Geminitay, GoodTimesWithScar, RenDog, MCSkizzleman, and BigB/Bigbst4tz2. Many of these players are also active on Hermitcraft.
1: whats your hyperfixation???
2: the life series. Boat boys forever
1: what do you think about ethdubs and smallscar??
2: get out.
A not really popular series created by Muffin King on 8 April 2021. These 6-second videos are about a fight from part 11. This series later made another series called Fight Express.
The Stickman Series is a series created in 2021 by Muffin King. It was officially created on 8 April.
The Stickman Series is a series by Muffin King created on 8 April 2021. These 6-second videos weren't popular so much.
The Stickman Series is a series created on 8 April 2021 by Muffin King.
Full name for Journeys Game and also it was awesome game ever
Gio: Is that Episode Game in your android 5.0 phone?
Isabelle: No, It's just Episode Game clone called Journeys: Interactive Series from Gameloft you idiot
Gio: was better than episode game?
Isabelle: yes
A way of convincing someone that you're terribly serious about the situation at hand.
You: Man. I'm seri doggin'!!
Friend: Oh, you're serious.
it refers to the shortened term "seriously brother" as similar to the grey anatomy phenomanan of the term "seriously"
Subject A: She totally faceboinked him last night in the car
Subject B: Seri Brah! No she didnt!
I am fun,i am pretty,i an beautiful, im a queeennn I INSPIRE YOUR DESIRE ……IM A DIVA LIVING LA VIDAAAA
dato seri vida >>>> everyone else