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Lucasian slip

A statement which includes an unintentional reference to Star Wars.

1: Have you actually ever read Storm Troopers?
2: Well, I've read Starship Troopers if that's what you meant to ask with that Lucasian slip.

1: That hoodie makes you look like a Jedi.
2: Was that a Lucasian slip or did you really mean to invoke the Star Wars universe in this conversation?

by nitor October 11, 2009

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slip the digits

Is when you insert your fingers into a females vagina Depend on what you desire 1,2,3,4,5

I wanted to slip the digits on that chick at the party last night 😏

by Rootbeet1 December 31, 2018

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Caleian slip

An analogue to the Freudian slip that involves a physical action. This action must be indicative of a subconscious preoccupation or habit.

Fabio and Felipe were hanging out. Fabio was eating an apple when all of a sudden the core slipped from his hand and fell to the floor. Felipe thus inferred a subconscious propensity of Fabio to litter on his own floor, creating a literal Caleian slip.
Named after the first man to observe and recognize one such "slip".

by spinningtabletop November 13, 2010

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Slip Trick

a trick you pull when its snowing. at night you go and urinate on the side walk so it freezes and gets slippery, then the next morning you wait until someone is walking toward it and when they are about to step on the spot you kick the back of there leg out and sock them in the eye and yell "YOUR A PIRATE"

optionally afterward you may continue to hurl insults(YOUR A HOMOSEXUAL AND NO ONE EVER GENUINELY CARED ABOUT YOU) and poop into his face (its usually funnier to shove the poop his mouth)

it is often wise to take precautionary measures like wearing a mask(so they don't know who you are) and a gun(just in case they find out who you are)

me"hey that guy is walking with his kids past the spot where I peed, should i give him a slip trick."

friend"quick this might be your only chance!"

by NinjaGangsta13 March 4, 2011

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Slip and slide

This when you get your girl so wet , then you slide your erect penis inside her vagina ..

You mike...check it out ..I'm going to slip and slide that chick

by Devildog August 25, 2018

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slip out

when a turd comes out of your butt unexpectedly.

I ate a whole cheese pizza and was walking home when I had the worst case of diarrhea come on and I couldn't hold it, so I had a slip out.

by J.E.F. & R.M.K. September 26, 2011

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Pink Slip

The act of inserting a piece of paper into your girlfriends vagina while she’s on her period and proceeding to write the United States Constitution on it.

Hey babe, be careful or I may surprise you with a pink slip;)

by hitlersashes December 6, 2019

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