A musical instrument used by woman while cleaning there hoochie.
The sexy bar tender went home and used a Douche Flute while playing along to her favorite music.
Penne Pasta. Which is a noodle that you play as a flute.
I played a siiiick solo on my flute noodles during dindin that I got double dessert!
When a woman performs oral sex on a man and controls the pitch of the mans moans by how hard she squeezes the mans testicles.
That chick twinkle fluted me so hard last night I sounded like Prince.
An alias for male genitalia.
"I'm back from practicing instruments."
"What did you play, the pants flute? HA."
The act of sucking a penis similar to someone using a straw while the recipitant of the sucking are simaltaniously urinating.
You could call my grandma an alcoholic, every night she wants my champagne flute.
Contrary to the Mormon bagpipe: fucking an armpit, the Peruvian Flute is fucking the leg crease from the thigh to the calf. South of the border.
To heck with the Mormon bagpipe; I just got back from my mission in Peru and taught my brethren the Peruvian Flute
When a younger girl sucks the elderly penis of a convicted priest
She played the Skeliton flute, now she Coffs dust