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Period piss

A word made by a girl who wanted to use something other than period pooh because it sounds dumb

"She needs to get her life together."
"Period piss!"

by Jordan15 June 4, 2019

Piss intimidate

V. when you are in a public bathroom and you got a mean flow going.... a flow so mean and intimidating that the other dude in the john gets stage fright and can't piss.... usually follows heavy beer consumption

I totally piss intimidated that old guy

by Don Hoyte August 8, 2008

piss trout

A no tooth junky whore who may or may not be selling her body for methamphetamines and makes her living by participating in one golden shower after the other

“Jackie Lynn is such a piss trout you would not believe what she did to Clarence behind the save-a-lot last weekend”

by Liquid Beaner Stew 8====D February 17, 2018

Emotional Piss

When someone dumps all their emotions and "feelings" on you, usually negative.

Guy 1: So how are you and your girl?
Guy 2: Not good, she just took an emotional piss on me.
Guy 1: That blows...
Guy 2: Damn strait.

by Blackpig January 14, 2010

pussy piss

the meaning of pussy piss is when a chick squirts uncontrollably during sexual intercourse

Paul: Dude Sarah had hella pussy piss last night sis was squirting all over

by my dick fell off09 January 26, 2019

piss sonar

The echolocation tool men use when they piss in the dark to make sure they're hitting the toilet. This involves starting to urinate and listening carefully for the sound of the urine stream hitting the toilet water. If the sound is not heard, aiming adjustments are made until such time as the reassuring sound is heard.

Joe: "Man, I got home last night drunk, went in the bathroom, didn't turn on the light and ended up pissing all over the bathroom floor."
Bob: "You should have used piss sonar to find the toilet, bro."
Joe: "Oh."

by weyus August 20, 2013


Any drink that is an alcopop, high-energy drink or a really disgusting alcoholic beverage.

This WKD is piss-liquid

by RORR April 7, 2009