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all types of sick

a group of girls that go to camp louise in cascade maryland. they are the second session counselor assistants and became very sick through the one month period they stayed at camp.

hana left twice with two different kinds of sickness because she was the epitome of all types of sick

by iloveyougirlssomuch August 17, 2009

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Special type of girl

A euphemism to describe a girl with an insatiable desire for cock. Paramount is her rash compulsion to explore the filthier aspects of coitus, and inability to maintain sanitary orifices.

When I jammed it in Jane's ass last night, I could feel her melt in to a puddle of pure-ecstasy. She is just a special type of girl.

Now, where is my Zithromax?

(When spoken, 'special' is commonly over-emphasized)

by Charles Forester June 21, 2009

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Amanism Type 3

When the diesease makes your ever more browner,and basically are dumb .Always always to break google.

''Amanistic 1:Level up!
Person:Oh crap,it's a amanism type 3
President:Everyone,lock your doors tonight.

by Gorilla_Boi_9194 May 29, 2019


An impression or dull familiarity of having typed something before.

Did I already email you about this? I am having type-ja-vu!

by Daria Sofiyeva November 14, 2007

Type-A Nature Freak

A overly obsessed nature fanatic who has lost all touch of reality and would kill their own family to save a flower. They like to stick animals and plants in jars and argue that they are 'helping to save the ecosystem' by harming small mammals with long metal polls.

Person A: "Did you hear about how the new strip mall they're building over where that barren lot of shrubs and dead grass is?"


Person A: "Woah, stop being such a Type-A Nature Freak."

by That lady with the crazy hair August 12, 2012

Type C Personality

A Type C personality is characterized by an attention to detail and a desire to promote the most logical, efficacious way to achieve a goal with relatively less risk taking and more compromise than a Type A personality.

Often imagined as emotionally repressed and at the extreme, hypochondriacal, they can make dependable professionals in technical roles without the tendency to be distracted by passions as one might imagine with a type B personality.

The main negative with having one as a friend is they are predictable, routine prone and not spontaneous.

Daria Morgandorfer can be seen as a prime example of a Type C personality.

by ApricotFields July 29, 2019

Type Ten Diabetes

Type ten diabetes is a legit disease that affects almost one person and has several side affects and may or not be a deadly legit disease

Woah that dude got dem type ten diabetes

by ItIsDenfinitlyNotMe April 27, 2018