Noun: When a person, specifically an old, crusty gym dude, casually walks around nude in the locker room and decides to bend over in front of you, exposing his asshole.
Friend: Yo, what the fuck? Did you see that?!
Me: Yea bro, he just gave you the full hole!
When your trying your hardest to stay away from premarital sex but you just gotta nut... don't worry slide it in her butt
Don't worry God's poop hole made us a loop hole!
A term for losing in any activity, or being fucked anally.
- "Bro that test Booty-Holed me"
- "Bro, that dude Booty-Holed me, my ass still hurts"
The smell from smoking from dirty bongs or pipes.
Don't try to kiss me, you smell like Ash-hole!
A person who participates in Ash Wednesday and acts pretentious because they have ash on their forehead and you do not.
John: "hey man do you mind sharing some paper?"
Jim (with ash): "no way, you should've brought your own damn paper"
John: " you ash-hole"
John: "hey man do you mind sharing some paper?"
Jim (without ash): "sure man no problem"
John; "thanks friend"
Tom "Your such an ash-hole steve!"
Steve "Did you just call me an asshole?"
Tom "No I called you an Ash-hole."
A certain person named ash who fakes D.I.D. Also known as someone who flaunts their mental Illnesses/and doesn’t take their medication for it. Betrayed friends stabbed them in the back. Threatened to kill themself. A person who ignores someone for weeks on end and forces them to beg for forgiveness.
Savannah:Man ash is being really rude, they are an ash-hole.
Haylee: #still-better-than-ash.