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Why are you reading this? oh well...

a word is a word
this is a word ------> hello

I am typing out words

by Dinoboy33664455nvrguess November 5, 2020


A word is a word that defines a word that is a word. A word describes more words, and a word cannot describe it's own word.

The word describes the word that describes the other word/

by u w u November 26, 2020


Some thing people used to say in the 80's bc they thought they where cool

Person 1: yo that's amazing

Person 2: word

by No.one.cares:) November 1, 2022


1. agreement
2. acknowledgement
3. abbreviation for "that's the word"
4. disbelief

1. agreement
John: Now that's a beautiful car.
Snow: Word.

2. acknowledgement
Snow: You know what I'm saying?
John: Word.

3. abbreviation of "that's the word"
John: Kevin told me he climbed that mountain.
Snow: Word.

4. disbelief
Snow: They told me they hooked up MULTIPLE times.
John: Word?

by PseudoToe April 26, 2022


a cellect of letters

letters make up words and words make sentenes.

by tyler roaster o71 January 26, 2017


a word

"this is a word"
"wait no this isnt a word its a set of words"

by plexshipper123 December 3, 2018


A "Word" is a compacted system of letters to create such thing of a "word" with some "words" you can create a sentence.

All if this is made with "words".

by Kenoden June 30, 2016