Builds best motorbike ramps ever.
Wow Nathan john you so much better building motorbike ramps in building things then any of his brothers.
Builds best motorbike ramps ever.
Wow Nathan john you so much better building motorbike ramps in building things then any of his brothers.
Builds best motorbike ramps ever.
Wow Nathan john you so much better building motorbike ramps in building things then any of his brothers.
A school full of teachers who say they aren't racist. (But come on. Let's be honest here.) Along with that a dean who doesn't do shit. And kids who have the IQ of Amy Schumer.
Hey, I'm not retarded. I just go to St. John's Tech.
John mane means like asking for a friends outfit or a thing too borrow in a less awkward way too ask. (Ps: if people don't know what u mean then you know ur cool😎)
Friend 1: Ayo can I borrow that john mane bro it looks fresh
Friend 2: fosho here you go
*friend 1 never gave it back*