Part the pink sea like Moses is a description of ones sexual prowess. It is a phrase meant to imply that one is so skilled or gifted in some area of sexual activity, that they can almost literally control the opening and pleasure of vaginas at will and with little effort. Akin to Moses opening the red sea.
Can also be used as a powerful exclamation due to the immediate imagery conjured by the phrase.
" I stared down at her and knew all that she desired. I could see how I wanted her, I knew it would happen long before she did, I would part the pink sea like moses. Then the road to all my fantasies would be fully open."
Harry: " hey man are you goin out tonight with that chickyou met at the bar?"
Richard: " you bet your ass man, ima part the pink sea like moses!"
Bar hoochie: " ...(muffled) you know im standing right here right!?"
It means your mentally retarted
John: "your mom" You: "Atleast Im Not Built Like Roblox"
A wallet sounds like photadapoht
What does a wallet sound like?
A wallet sounds like photadapoht.
girl gotta go. if u fishing and the fish is not something that u want to keep, throw it back lmao.
"this shit aint gonna get no better if she start an argument with you on the first text conversation aight? Cut that bitch off like a fish, throw her back in the ocean and go find somethin eles"
When someone is playing Minecraft, and you slap them on their neck. you will say I like ur cut g originated from a YouTube video. y'all dumb if u don't know the meaning.
Oh u playing minecraft, I like ur cut g *smaks on the neck*
When you're all over something. Similar to 'Like white on rice' or 'Does the pope have a balcony'
Mike was doing a great work and nothing ever slipped. He's "Like jaws on a group of swimming kindergartners".
When you're so angry with someone you momentarily feel like commiting murder. This term was thought to originate from the British Soap character Pat Phelan, an infamous serial killer.
I'm so angry that he stole my ergonomic pen. I'm phelan like Pat did.