The most offensive fuck you, you can get. The grand fuck you. ORGIN: A$ap Ferg album cover.
The Du-rag to the back is the most federal offense in hip-hop history.
When you've got a sick pack of abs on your back.
carl - hey bro u been working out?
bro - yeah bro why?
carl - oh i just saw your sick back pack
(AU/NZ) When you sink 9 cones in a row.
Hey bro, do you reckon we could finish the back nine?
What Russians say when a white person tweaking. Used to be used when white slaves working on the railroads stopped working in Russia.
White: “nah your ugly”
Russian: “Go back to the railroads.”
That guy who fear mongers in every comment section of someone squatting or deadlifting, saying that "you're gonna end up like Ronnie Coleman".
They think that spinal flexion == bad, because humans are obviously not biomechanically designed to pick up objects with any degree of spinal flexion.
They probably heard it from some stooge influencer or personal trainer; neither they nor he know what they're talking about.
Probably can't even pick up 225 lbs from the ground.
Wait until glass backs realize that you can actually build a strong and resilient back through squats, deads and proper load management
best damn place on earth (located in WEST VIRGINIA)
back creek valley is where its at