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A political group claiming to fight fascism using only facist mesures. End goal: Global communism under rule of violence.

Michelle: Hey Paul, antifa sure act fascist. How come they claim they are agianst it?

Paul: People are stupid Michelle.

by Eojot January 5, 2019

876๐Ÿ‘ 183๐Ÿ‘Ž


Antifa (or Anti-Fascist) is a boogeyman created and promulgated by Alt-Right groups.

The idea is that there's a group of domestic terrorists running around attacking Trump supporters or something. You can only find stories about Antifa on Alt-Right blogs or fringe media outlets. Web searches are unable to turn up any web or social media pages for any sort of group identifying as Antifa.

I've looked. Seriously it's all bullshit. Look for yourself. You'll find pages talking about Antifa; but, they're all super right-wing. Nothing from anyone claiming to be part of the group. Shit even Anonymous has a facebook page. Antifa is pretty much a story that a bunch of dumb rednecks jack off to in a circle.

It's idiotic shit spread by idiotic people that has no basis in reality. On a separate but sort of related subject most of these dumb cunts haven't figured out how condoms work (If you're seething right now you probably had two kids before you turned 23. Also, seething means mad you ignorant fuck; I just saved you a google search; you're welcome.). As a result you're likely going to hear a lot more about Antifa in the years to come; we're outnumbered by the stupids and their numbers swell every day.

While entirely bullshit, Antifa does serve as a great metaphor for how as a civilization we're all fucked.

Climate change is an Antifa conspiracy.

by BigPapaHoneyBadger July 21, 2017

246๐Ÿ‘ 1146๐Ÿ‘Ž


Antifa, short for anti-fascist. A global empowering movement with strong ties to Germany, Italy, France, Denmark and other mostly European & Latin American countries who've experienced extreme forms of racism, fascism, bigotry, or even ethnic genocide.

A term used to describe anyone on earth who is united in standing against oppression, bigotry, sexism, fascism & racism in all its forms.

A broad all-encompassing umbrella term used by oppressed people to push back against their oppressors. A means to serve justice when hope for justice is bleak.

In America, it has given rise to the anti-antifa movement, which is really the surfacing of a group of neo-nazis, neo-fascists, neo-kkk, neo-confederate, extreme racists, anti-immigrant hate groups, quasi-nationalist white trash and other confederate flag-waving "this is my America" snowflakes.

To be anti antifa is to be pro-fascist, pro-racist, pro-sexist, pro-bigot, pro-nazi, pro-kkk, or rather, just a bigoted racist sexist fascist neo-nazis klan member, or what we call the "alt-right". They're either too stupid to realize that or too scared to say it to anyone but their fellow hillbillies. Their endearing toothless smiles and single pair of overalls don't even garner sympathy from anyone on planet eaeth. But, true to form, they think America is the center of the universe & antifa is something American rather than global. They think white is a race, and America should be white. Its a sad thing.

Example 1:
German: "we won't tolerate anymore fascism or racism from anyone"

American hillbilly: "we're white, and that means we're like the Nazis, if you're a true white"

German: "wtf is white?"

Example 2:

Antifa member: "I'm taking a stand against racism, sexism, fascism, bigotry, white nationalism, hillbillyism, & stupidity"

White trash: "oh yeah? Insult everyone I know will ya? Well then I'm taking a stand against you!"

by YakushijiTenzen June 22, 2017

266๐Ÿ‘ 1233๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who are against fascism and the fourteen tenets it is founded upon.

Kevin: Do you support Bannon, Milo, and Spencer?
Roger: No, I don't support their Orwellian views.
Kevin: Oh so you're a dirty antifa then?
Roger: We aren't friends anymore, get help.

by SeaSpot February 7, 2017

616๐Ÿ‘ 3066๐Ÿ‘Ž


ANTI-FASCISTS - People who oppose fascism, white nationalism, neo-nazis, and other similar scum bags.

A bunch of Trump-Supporting, alt-right , neo-Nazi douchebags tried to bring their message of white supremacy to the masses, but they were met by people opposing their disgusting message of hate, some of whom were part of Antifa.

by Logic Like SPoekc. August 23, 2017

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Anti Fascist.

The antifa stood up against the KKK and Trump

by nastywoman888 August 20, 2017

153๐Ÿ‘ 910๐Ÿ‘Ž


The only people in the U.S. who will stand up to the racist, nazi's. The police won't. If the group was bigger in the 1930's ,
Hitler would have never risen to power and kill 10 million people. You would feel a whole lot safer if you sat next to a anifa as compared to a Nazi skinhead, on a train, or bus, wouldn't you? If I had to chose between the worst of two evils, I would go with antifa. I know the nazi's history.

A group of antifa protected the threatened church members in Charlettesville from the white supremacist, kkk, neo-nazi march.

by Jeb Wilcox August 17, 2017

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