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When you're able to smoke weed on your own couch.

Are you an adult? I'm sitting on my own couch watching that 70s show, smoking, and eating pesto... yes yes i am an adult.

by Sofizzy October 22, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Verb. The act of still being a child but with more responsibilities that make you not want to live.

Hey Taylor, I'm tired of adulting so I think I'm done here.

by RevekaTheRed August 20, 2017

12๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. The stage after adolescence.

2. Legally, someone who is (usually, depending in what country you live) 18+.

Now, there is a difference between legally and biologically.
At 18, in most country, you are legally an adult.
But, since most people continue to grow in some way at 18, they can't be considered adults physically.

Even if most people at 18 are "physically" teenagers(they continue to grow), you're still considered an adult, but it's not rare that people who are 18-19 are called "teens" (probably because of the number, eighTEEN, nineTEEN)

It is confusing, since at 18-19, you're both an adult(legal) and teenager(physically).

Because of that confusion, people of that age (18-19) are generally called "young adult".

Marc is 18, he is an adult.

by blackdeath1289 January 28, 2007

17๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


Day drinking

Had a bunch of errands I got done, adulting so hard right now.

by Urban donkey show November 15, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term only spoken by retarded mouthbreathers over the age of 18.

- used when doing mundane tasks such as filing taxes, going to work, daily chores, etc.

- used when partying as an adult, but actually acting like a child.

As Brittany drives on the highway to work, she pulls out her phone to take a shit stream of selfies. She must let all of her social media "friends" know that she is #Adulting.

Amber is 36 and slammed jagerbombs all night with her unwed lonely middle aged girlfriends. "Look at how bad we are. We're such a grown-ups #Adulting"

by Jekyll Lal February 25, 2017

74๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term that lazy parents use to describe people who "discriminate" against their rude and loud children. Some parents believe that their children should be allowed to do whatever they want, because kids will be kids. This philosophy requires the belief that children can do no wrong because they don't know better, the parent isn't responsible for teaching them any better, and everyone else has to put up with it.

Any adult who protests because a strange child screamed through their entire dinner in a restaurant or cried through an entire R-rated movie at a theater is a child hating adultist.
An elderly lady is in line at the post office. A ten year old hits her repeatedly in the leg with a nerf bat. The parent does nothing. The elderly woman asks the child to please stop. The parent screams at the lady for being rude to her child and accuses her of adultism.
A child runs behind the counter at a coffee shop, trips the employees, and knocks over hot drinks and glass cups. The shop owner asks the parent to keep her child from behind the counter. The mother accuses the establishment of discrimination against her child (adultism).

by super mean adult August 16, 2011

42๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who has reached sexual maturity. (according to Wikipedia)

The age the law thinks that is varies from 13-18 all over the world. Are you sexually mature as soon as you are able to reproduce? Or do you have to have stopped growing? What about a 40 year old virgin? Are you an adult once you have kids? Are you an adult once you take responsibility?

Many 18-60 year old "adults" act like children, and many 15 year olds are mature also. There are 30 year olds that can pass for 18 year olds and 18 year olds that look 30. There are 30 year olds that mentally still 15, and 15 year olds that are wiser than 30 year olds.

There are typically three states of growth though... child > teenager or adolescent > adult Identifying where the second stage becomes the third stage varies massively from human to human. I think there is an argument to say that some humans don't become adults until much later in life

Andrew: I'm sick of bullies
Ian: qq cry moar (brb grabbing popcorn XD)
Andrew: ian act your age you're an adult

by FreeSpeechWarrior March 5, 2017

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