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Anyone who lives in the continents of North or South America.

by Anonymous July 14, 2003

845👍 713👎


The most generous, emphatic people on Earth.
And I'm English!

Just bought a £5 quick shop from my convenience store, an American was stood behind me. Based on true experience with Americans.

Checkout Clerk: Sorry, your Credit Card has been rejected.

Me:(Searching pockets, wallet, don't find any cash.) Well, I don't have any more cash on me.

American: Don't worry about it, I'll pay for ya'!

by eden1023 June 11, 2011

65👍 43👎



Americans are retarded

by 1nxert March 8, 2022

15👍 12👎


The North Americans, South Americans, Caucasian Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, etc.

It's a mixed land of different ethnic backgrounds and such.

by Cyndane March 20, 2005

385👍 341👎


NOTE: This only applies to the Americans who play Call of Duty on their PS3's and Xbox's and eat non-stop, because apart from them American people are very likeable.

1)A twat or idiot that thinks they are better than the the rest of the world, usually because they spell 'mum' with an 'o'.

2)Likes all the breasts, and strip clubs.

3)Also somebody who is too busy eating burgers at fast food places or playing Call of Duty 4 online with their Xbox getting their ass kicked by the British.

1)•American: we spel mom wit a o bcoz dat makes us kl 4 perfectin da langwidj
•American: The British invented the muskets but we upgraded them to high power guns la la la we rule and we are invincible and we can beat anyone
Brit: Well we gave you the musket, plus, 911, HAHA.

2)•American: Come to our strip clubz because we have silicon titties and big boobies and they are all fake

3)•American: Sorry I'm too busy stuffing my face to go fight in the war oh no but we helped save everybody in the world wars
WWII Allied countries: Yeah and you came late for both of them
•American: oh no im playing call of duty the americans are the bestest ever
Brit: In Call of Duty 4 the Marines DIE and the S.A.S. survive, so up yours.
American: ur mom

by Jaymz™ May 28, 2008

396👍 353👎


Synonym for pig or swine and also used to define an egoistic slob who thinks he has the right to claim moral superiority over the whole world despite supporting pointless wars and not valuing any non American life.

Lmao: yo tf
Zoink: I'm American
Lmao: that doesn't make it ok for you to thank that old dude for his service. He literally raped by grandma in Vietnam for no damn reason.😢

by Mazit metal September 20, 2019

22👍 12👎


Citizens who live inside a big bubble between Canada and Mexico.

Americans makes up less than 5% of the worlds population yet 95% of the worlds ignorance and arrogance.

Traits and habits-

Calling themselves the only Americans despite the fact that ALL people living on the CONTINENT of America are Americans.

Calling things by their brand names rather than the name of the actual object or item.

Putting their country first in every online list despite the fact the United States starts with a U and the lists are in alphabetical order.

Putting an American flag next to 'English' for language selection incase they forget what language they speak.

Making fun of the metric system, despite the fact that they are one of only three countries who are yet to start using it. The rest of the world has been using it for over 50 years.

Killing each other is also a favourite pastime. More Americans are murdered by other Americans every year than all the American casualties of every war the world has ever seen. Pretty sad statistic.

Not all Americans are fat and stupid, and not all the world are anti-American. We just dont like arrogant ignorant idiots. It just so happens that The United States is always represented by arrogant ignorant idiots.

All the Americans who give a thumbs up are the exception to the rule who can actually think for themselves and can hopefully start representing their country in a better light.

Americans - LOL. He spelled favorite with a U. Everyone knows theres no U.

Brit- Actually, the entire english speaking world beside you, use it. It was an established language long before you were around.

American - You're wrong. We're right.

Australian - we use U.

Canadian - and us.

South African - yep, and us.

Kiwi - count us in.

Rest of UK - As do we

American - LOL. 85% of the english speaking world cant spell.

Canadian - actually its you....

American - Fuck you . I'm Americaaaaaaaaaaaan! Aluminum!

Australian - You do realise the metal is actually called Aluminium?

South African - Aluminium foil because its made from the metal ALUMINIUM.

Kiwi - Aluminium sheeting made from ALUMINIUM.

Canadian - check your periodic table.

American - You're wrong, and Realize has a Z not an S.

Brit - *sigh* thats YOUR spelling. The rest of us use S not Z.

American - LOL. You said ZED when its ZEE. Im Americaaaaaaaaan!

by Kupotan October 29, 2009

305👍 270👎