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Antoine is a name given to a very cool person, sometimes foxes too. If given to a fox they get the power to do human abilities like get a job and pay taxes.

Oscar: "Wow Antoine, you sure know how to do your taxes!"
Antoine: *Fox noises*

by tousens November 28, 2020


Like graffiti likes guns and fireworks had a hard life compared to friends but will always try to make them laugh has fun in what he does, has a crush but won’t tell and is know around his school his nickname is johnathanjacksonthethird

Yo look it’s antoine he likes guns

by Johnathanjacksonthethird April 20, 2022


Antoines are boring unlike Heinrichs, they always talk about rom-coms and musicals, they're so boring, they're assholes who are boring, they are the enemy of Heinrichs, if you ever meet an Antoine then slap them in the face and never talk to them again, they also like Santa Claus conquers the Martians. Who likes that shit movie?

you're such an Antoine, Antoine

by Ya Friend October 8, 2019


Likes trains

Antoine likes trains

by Dudedlyedue22232 September 19, 2022


Sexy beast who will take the opportunity to sex inside you t any moment. He's an immortal sex lord an loves cream.

I love ANTOINE the sex beast!

by Sexbeast19939 May 27, 2022


he is the inaccessible popular boy that all girls want (me first). He is handsome and makes everyone laugh. skate and love football. has bad taste for girls (it's true).
"Antoine? He is too handsome but I never spoke to him"
"Antoine? The skater boy? Too inaccessible"

Antoine R

by Ala.ska November 21, 2021


A name given to a male who has a BIG cock he usually go for girls not for or pussy ,but go for personality he is a person who keep to himself and observe what’s going around him and gives good advice because of his observentness.

Antoine is a wonderful person to be around but he doesn’t like being around people

by Genna phill November 22, 2021