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Bae is basically someone who your like in love with for example gerard way is bae. People who use "bae " when talking about thier love intrest usually come of as "cringe"

Chad:GOD becky stop calling me that
Becky:whatever bae

by Ignite_the_nite December 27, 2021

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A significant other; acronym for "Before Anyone Else"

Bae bought me this beautiful gift

by QueenEm September 9, 2013

593πŸ‘ 603πŸ‘Ž


Bacon and Eggs

I want Bae

by ufvcuqeliwb November 29, 2017

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Fuck Buddy, Equally emotionally unstable partner, Friend with benefits, non-exclusive partner.
This word is absolutely NOT an acronym for "Before anything else" as some would have you believe.
It is used by your average club slut or douchebag to refer to their opposite sex partner who they flirt with, have sex with but are not in a committed relationship with.
This is probably one of the worst slang words to ever be invented.

People who use Bae are more likely to be unfaithful in any sort of real-world relationship.

Hey Bae, wanna come over and fuck?

Ohh her? no we aren't together, she's just my Bae.

Julia got pissed because I was spending more time with my other Bae Sarah.

by FHRITP-Guy November 17, 2014

69πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


Babe, just an abbreviation for someone too lazy to write out 'babe'

You're my bae!

You couldn't written babe^

by ahistericalgirl April 15, 2014

187πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž


A misspelling of "babe", "baby", or "bay" or a "cool" way of saying "babe", "baby", or "bae". Most people who use bae think they are cool, when they aren't. It is similarly overused like the words nigger, gay, and retard.

Guy: Hey bae
Gal: You don't need to keep using the word "bae". Unless you have speech problems maybe?
Guy: Aww bae you broke my heart
Gal: GTFO this planet

by FunkDaBeat October 4, 2014

43πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


Big ass erection

Bryant: Jake I got a bae

Jake: you got a girl?

Bryant: no I got a big ass erection

by Tommy vercetti’s gooch October 16, 2020

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž