A doubly doubly verified example
He enjoys sports four example sport and girls sporting minis.
The opposite of an example, tells the audience how NOT to do something.
Teacher: Be attentive when our guest speaker is giving their speech
Student lounging with their phone at the back: Whut do u mean be attentive?
Teacher, irritated: Well a contra-example will be acting like you
1. A word used to define the context of a word, action, etc.)
2. The box on the website “Urban Dictionary” that is used for showing the context of the defined word in a casual conversation.
This is the box where people on this website have to imput how the defined word can be used in the context of a casual conversation. Like the word “example”.
Something that is used by metalheads to explain to people how not all death growls in metal are meant to be angry. The play growl is a type of growl used by dogs when they feel happy. This growl is often used as an example to prove to others how most death growls are not meant to sound all angry.
People think metal growling is all angry? Show them the play growl example and they'll think twice before judging.