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What feminism used to be

The advocacy of women's rights on the basis of equality of the sexes. Feminism used to be a just and noble cause in which women in the western world rose up and secured their rights.

What feminism is today (2017)

Feminism today sadly has devolved into a slur of things, in some senses and cases it is still a noble cause. The majority of feminists now days aren't out for equal rights because they already have them, most of them use feminism as an excuse to be abnoxious and rude to men based on past injustices that men today had nothing to do with. A common instance is that most feminists today are usually fat, ugly, unemployed, uneducated, and straight up repulsive. These women have tarnished the reputation of feminism as a good thing in recent years by claiming they are advocates for rights, but really they're just as bigoted as they claim men are. They also tend to lump all men into one category and attack them for no reason. Moral is that in today's world feminisms mission and definition has changed from equality to inequality and man hating, and the entire movement has become absolute cancer just straight up cancer.

Hey Bob that feminist just unintelligently screamed at me while holding a sign that said, "You can't grab this pussy" I replied by telling her that she couldn't pay someone to grab that pussy, much less would anyone willingly want to.

Yeah feminism has devolved into absolute cancer nice comeback though.

by SpicyMemes587 January 25, 2017

29πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


You paid for your food properly with money and I complained to the manager so I got more stuff

3rd generation feminism is a useless culture that are as pathetic as they are stupid

by Atleastimhonest June 20, 2020

30πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Feminism is the belief that equality for both genders may be achieved by focusing on the issues and wants of one of them.

Feminism is considered by some to have become toxic in recent years.

by notacomissar July 14, 2015

61πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


A movement that supports equal opportunities for men and women and asserts that women are entitled to the same political, social, and intellectual rights as men. As a cultural and literary movement, feminism seeks to challenge historically male-centred representations of women and identify a sovereign tradition of female cultural and literary production.

Feminism --

β€œRe-vision – the act of looking back, of seeing with fresh eyes, of entering an old text from a new critical direction – is for women more than a chapter in cultural history: it is an act of survival”.

Adrienne Rich --

by Ruth Patchett February 22, 2009

34333πŸ‘ 34369πŸ‘Ž


A malicious effort to criminalize any courtship or reproduction oriented behavior by males whose appearance does not conform to mainstream western aesthetics - ultimately motivated by the desire to share Chad amongst each other for copulation and then split the fruits of the beta males' labor in order to raise Chad's illegitimate offspring

Feminism has reached all time highs in 2020, with the majority of men unable to get a girlfriend and the chads fucking bimbos to their dick's content

by D Flawless September 8, 2020

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


True feminism is something rarely seen today, and is the belief that all people are equal, regardless of sex. Modern feminism is when a woman thinks she's better than men because she has a vagina.

1) True feminism - "I'm a feminist because I believe that women should be given equal rights to men."
2) Modern feminism - "I'm a feminist because females are superior to men and men are here to serve women."

by BoboJim January 13, 2007

1358πŸ‘ 1330πŸ‘Ž


is cancer

feminism is cancer, there is no question about it

by dankest.memer November 30, 2016