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One who takes part in the manipulation of events and situations in order to make a target person believe that he or she is crazy.

Lay off the person! You're a gaslighter aren't you?!

by IDidn'tUseMyRealName January 18, 2017

185๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


Turning the situation around to blame the other person (play victim)

I totally shouldโ€™ve won that fight but my they gaslighting me. Ex: what every mom does in a fight

by ash hehe February 20, 2020

190๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


To manipulate events and situations in order to make a person believe that he or she is crazy.

From the 1944 movie with Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman.

He kept stealing her keys and putting them in the freezer in order to gaslight her.

by wolfie toutomoutochan February 11, 2005

2130๐Ÿ‘ 810๐Ÿ‘Ž


To deceive, bamboozle.

"Those thugs are trying to gaslight the count" (Capt. Binghamton; Season 4, Episode 29 of "McHale's Navy").

by OED-hamlet January 9, 2013

150๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you fart into a lit match and it explodes

I had like 4 bowls of chili at Rick's Superbowl party. The resulting fart was brilliant, as was the size of the flame it produced. A proper halftime gaslighting.

by SnowmansChance December 26, 2019

243๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž


why would you search this? are your friends telling you about this? i think you really shouldn't listen to them

John: Stop gaslighting me
Dave: You sound crazy right now

by girlbosss April 17, 2021

36๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A MKULTIMATE neurolinguistic programming system utilizing emerging information and communications technologies to flood the field with Truth, the Light of Christ, for Ultimate Victory.

Commandeered from MKULTRA's piece of shit tin can rust bucket death contraption, "gaslight," the GasLight is, according to Virginia Woolf, "life is a luminous halo," which has been directly tapped to fuel the apparatus.

A literacy program to Ultimately Optimize Human Health.

In voice-to-skull la-la-land I saw Rebecca holding the gaslight. I was, like, "Do you mind if I borrow that for a second?" and as soon as I got my hands on that piece of shit tin can rust bucket death contraption gaslight I shoved it so hard up its own f**** ass it disintegrated, annihilated, dusted, atomized, roasted, toasted, and burnt to a crisp. I awful waffled it. Then I gathered up the leftover fragments of the busted ass gaslamp and shoved them straight down wormhole circa 1936. IDK what some gaslit nitwit would want to play with the old gaslight for. What will you do with the broken pieces of the gaslamp? Make a leash to walk your dog? Fly the broken pieces of the gaslight like a kite? Anyway, by the time your ate-up-on-voice-to-skull ass goes looking for some bad gas, for old times' sake, as you approach the smelly-ass wormhole, you will notice stretched across the horizon,"life is a luminous halo," which we tapped for the new GasLight. I am targeting you with a luminous halo.

Hey, TI: I'm not just gaslighting you, I'm GasLighting all that which will be GasLit. Hey, TI: I'm not just GasLighting you, I'm GasLighting all that which is GasLightable. Hey, TI: I'm not just GasLighting you, I'm GasLighting everything in known existence.

I'm here to destroy the world, and I'm gonna make you help me; with your child-loving ass; with your big-forehead ass.

This is a Good GasLight. This is a nice story.

by Medicine Owl February 12, 2023