To miss the vein while shooting up dope i.e meth or heroin causing a knot
I was shooting last might and i had a heller miss
Heller, a last name. No two Hellers are the same like no two Millers are the same.
Heller is a last name originating from western europe
Those Hellers are decent people.
Friendly people who came to America from British countryside
often saying hello or hello there
Heller there Mrs.Jones. How was your summer?
Heller is a type of retarded person so autistic they can’t even spell their own name
How did you spell your own name wrong you heller
when you don't want to say all of Helen Keller's name
loud mouth: you readin' that miracle worker book yo??
me(trying so hard to not be bothered i'm reading): YES! the one with HELLER in it...GO AWAY!
load mouth: sorry bro
me(still annoyed): women shouldn't say bro!