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A way to take a bad selfie , put a filter on it to make it look good

This selfie is horrible I need to go to Instagram and add a filter

by Southerngirl2234 October 27, 2017


A catfishing app, for young males to jerk off to β€˜insta thots’. No one really know why it exist or why we all have it but we do.

Wow did you see that naked thot on Instagram?

by FreeMelly March 29, 2019

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A social media App that can’t get their shit together and progressively gets worst over the years with updates that seem to not work at all and doesn’t help the main problem plus the app gets very normie over the years ruining meme accounts, business accounts and regular accounts by their bots detection and their bullshit guidelines that just ruin the whole app making it more shit when it’s already is.

Definition: instagram a social media app widely use globally.
Random dude: *post a lake and forest
Instagram: *see’s post and reports for violence and nudity

Random dude: *see post being reported and gets warning

Random dude: Instagram is fucking shit

*deletes app

by slayer_of_dank July 10, 2021


A place for normies to get likes and post normal things that they think it's cool, you can instantly get ten followers if you type in random hashtags

Normie 1: oh my God I took a picture of this tree and got 1 million likes, this is epic Instagram is the best

Normie 2: epic indeed my friend

by Orgasmic being January 11, 2019

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Instagram the worst thing that happened to you

by Dunzo Kezz February 22, 2017

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To overuse "vintage" or "classy" (i.e. pretentious) filters, brightness and contrast settings on a picture in order to disguise lack of photography talent.

His composition isn't bad, but everything else about his dog pics was instagrammed.

by Tispian August 23, 2013

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A place for white girls to take pictures of their friend laughing while not looking at the camera with a caption saying how much they love their friends. Oh and Starbucks

"That girl is taking a pic of her coffee"
"Lol, she must have Instagram"

by ima fucking sloth mmkay? December 3, 2014

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