To succeed at something in a County Style manner. Related to a "Jimmer" (too succeed).
Used more in context for undergoing something "For Dale" and being successful.
see "to pull a Jimmer Roy"
I ran that stop sign and pulled a Jimmer roy. Did it For Dale"
When you are balls deep in your family pet then you pull out a bottle of hazelnut liqueur and squirt it in your mums eye while she is filming you
Aww man I give mr fluffypaws a real dirty Jimmer last night. Totally ruined the family funeral
One who urinates in a condom and freezes it. Then, uses that condom to pleasure themselves.
Luke- My buddy connor is such a frosty jimmer.
Me- fax he is so weird
Someone who sang so loudly that another person farted
“I farted, you are a daddy jimmers”
Could be used to describe a person or a situation.
Originating from an Uxbridge Celebrity and local hero who clearly exhibits these attributes.
Example 1:
Friend 1: "Stan bought us all pizza."
Friend 2: "Stan's a jimmer."
Example 2:
Friend 1: "Stan's party was wild!"
Friend 2: "That's jimmer dude!"
Simply.. another name for pyjamas/pj's
Going home to put my jimmers on