A seemingly nice person that slowly turns more delusional the more you learn about her. For example she’ll seem the most awesome person you know but if you wrong her she will try and turn your life upside down. If you know a Juni don’t be friends with her and DEFINITELY do NOT date her, when you break up she will ruin your life.
Juni is fake.
Juni needs to leave her exes alone.
Is a fortnite freak and is loud as hell. He speaks in all caps and always has murder on his mind. He’s annoying and not funny. He makes a lot of nut jokes but aren’t funny.
1-omg is that juni?
2-yeah why?
3- i f-ing hate that dude.
Hon är en bra vän, bra på att rita och väldigt Äventyrlig. Hon gillar även att att spela Roblox, Minecraft och Gacha Life.
Its stupid and it always asked questions that were answered a few moments ago. He also wants to be a teacher to let kids suffor. He's a total dick. If you see him, you should kill him.
Junie & TheHutFriends are my favourite band! It consists of vocalist Junie Grey, synthist Tall Friend, trianglist (?) Ripped Friend, and other bandmates who I'm unsure of their instruments Smart Friend, Crime Friend, and Wise Guy...friend... ahem. Anyway, my favourite songs by them are:
Drown Me! (my super all-time favourite song :D)
The Consequence of Imagination is Fear
Bloody! Bloody!
Watch Your Back!!!
I Wanna Tell You A Secret
Person 1: I love Junie & TheHutFriends!
Person 2: Me too! I'm getting their Third Eye tee in a few weeks!
Person 1: Nice! I've got their Kissing Leaf shirt!
Person 2: Lucky! It looks so cool!
Junie what can I say she is a wonderful person to be around. As the loving caring person that she is she is the love of the world. She is kind. She knows if someone sad or mad. She will always be there for you. She is the person that will lift your day. she is your best friend or your worst enemy ( if you are a boy). she is dazzling. and last but not least she is out going.