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Mrs Kwan

A very sexy babysitter from the 2003 movie, cat in the hat

Person 1: "Mrs Kwan is my favourite character from cat in the hat"
Person 2: "Ikr, she's very sexy"

by TheBetterTescoBag January 27, 2023


The act of being influenced by the genius of Michael Kwan, especially in relation to systems and organisation.

"You've been Kwanned"

by Pack Jackham September 30, 2011


Alex KWan is a notorious gang leader who will take all your food and eat them

Ohhh crap ALEX KWAN is coming!!

by I LOVE ALEX KWAN! November 27, 2023

Kwan Lee

You are on your grind doing what you have to do. Just like Kwan Lee. If you dont know who that is, Google him.....
@kwanlee ya heard?

Yo you on your Kwan Lee power promoting ish son! I see you on your Kwan Lee grind

by illak February 3, 2010

King Kwan

Nickname of Cleveland Guardian's stud outfielder, Steven Kwan.

announcer: that's a deep fly ball to right field and...it's a grand slam, Guardians win!

announcer 2: Steven Kwan goes King Kwan on that pitch!

by suburbantrash September 28, 2022

Naomi Kwan

A bitch and a hypocrite. Spoiled little asshole brat

Man, she's such a Naomi Kwan

by Savage_person February 22, 2017

Kwan Loong

Asian Vicks

Please pass the Kwan Loong oil, I need to unclog my nose tonight.

by Dream Deferred October 14, 2020