Kye is a morbidly obese fuckwit that thinks he is very tough but will apologise as soon as any conflict has been ignited. He is mainly spotted walking around with plenty of cock stuck inside his asshole, this is why he can't walk in a straight line. He has an infuriating fake Lebanese voice, this is annoying because he really isn't Leb, he was really just a failed science experiment that converted Mr Potatohead into a human. because of his round shape when he falls over he will either roll of bounce. His head shape is so fucking munted it looks as if it is a spoon that has been unspooned and unseasoned.
person 1: *is being a fucking retard*
Person 2: "the fuck is your name Kye or some shit"
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autistic boy with no friends
person 1: kye has no friends
person 2: he’s autistic u know
person 3: hahah
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foot fetish is a sexual interest in feet. In other words, feet, toes, and ankles turn you on.
This particular preference for feet can vary from person to person.
Some people are turned on just by looking at feet. Others may find painted nails, jewelry, or other adornments appealing.
Still others get sexual satisfaction in foot treatments, such as massaging or worshiping feet.
A foot fetish is considered a mainstream sexual kink. That is, it’s more commonly talked about and understood than some other types of fetishes.
One studyTrusted Source found that almost half of people surveyed said they had a foot fetish, or podophilia.
Just like with clothing preferences or music styles, sexual kinks vary.
Every person is attracted to — or even repelled by — things others may consider mundane.
So, it’s not clear what it is about feet that’s appealing, but a few theories have been offered to explain why some people are just drawn to feet and foot play.
Your feet are covered with nerve endings, and nerve endings equal greater, often more intense, sensations.
Tickling, rubbing, and massaging may all feel immensely better on feet.
One psychological element of a foot fetish is humiliation. Feet are often considered “below” people. That is, some people think of feet as a lowly body part.
That sets up a dynamic some people find appealing: They like to feel “lower” than their partner. They enjoy having your feet on their body as a form of power play, or being put in their place.
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Kyes is like a McWings meal from McDonalds. Cheap, tasty and incredibly oily. Yo dawg, you don’t even know. Like a melted stick of butter covered in extra virgin oil cause he ain’t get pussy either. Gimme a whoa yeah! But I’ll let you in on a lil something, this twat of a man has eternal Mangekyōu Sharingan( if ya know ya know ) cuz one time he was wacking off to some old granny midget stuff yeah and the dude has distraught, D I S traught I tell you when this mf found out that the midget grandpa was packing more heat than him and he awakened them red eyes. This dude is a master at chidori in bed and does the cheeky little alabama hot pocket to that Sakura chick. But he fast tho
Yo this motherfucker a kyes dude
Waiter, can I get a truffle linguini extra kyes.
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Dirty kye
When your fucking a girl and ur cock is to big for her so you end up rearranging her intestines ,killing her.
Wow I can’t believe I didn’t die ,it felt like a dirty kye.
15👍 2👎
such a swag man, instant orgasm when near him.... 10/10 MEGA THICC ;))))
bob: man she lookin like a Kye toohey
bill: yessir
When two men call each other piss pants until one of them becomes aroused and beats the other down with there penis
Woman: why are you so bruised? What happened
Man: my boyfriend wanted to try out dirty kye with me last night.
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