Definition of Perfect. She is that girl that comes once in your life and if she does make sure to not let her go... Beautiful, outstanding, hot and awesome.
Me: Stop staring at Lillian it's rude
Me to me: I don't care she's fucking pretty...
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A ridiculously attractive, kick ass girl who stands up for her best mates because she loves them to bits. Those who don't initially find her attractive will fall head over heels for her after only one drunken bonding session, in fact, the entire population of the world is attracted to her but they just don't know it yet (often people may not discover their attraction for her until they find out she's interested in them). Falling into her bad books may be the worst life choice you make, as she holds serious grudges (for good reasons mostly). She can be highly judgmental and a complete bitch to others but you love her for it because it's so hilarious. Lillian cusses like a sailor and frequently busts out brilliant dirty jokes, she will also out drink/dance you under any circumstance. Find a Lillian and become her best friend; you will have no regrets.
Lillian: 'sup. You dtf?
Girl/Boy: F YEAH!! *drools*
Girl: I heard that incredible girl Lillian thinks you're fiiiine. Do you like her back?
Boy: Oh lordy, I certainly do now.
Guy1: I lost $50 over a bet with that girl over there. She totally stomached more goon than me and didn't even munt!
Guy2: Woaaah she's one hell of a Lillian!
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rock band in the 1980's and 1990's. From humble beginnings in 1983, the New Orleans-based hard rock act rose above the cream of the bands touring the southern U.S. club circuit. Within three years, the band's live show had built a reputation that could not be denied and was becoming legendary throughout the south.
lillian axe
rock and roll
heavy metal
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A name used to describe a beautiful, smart, kind, loving, etc. girl. She will always make your day. Great in bed and great to be around. noun
My girlfriend is a such a Lillian, she always makes my day and pleases me.
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Lillian is a cute as girl, who always looks her best, usually brunette, friends with Zara. Girls usually are best friends with ZARA AND LILLIA
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Lillian is Smart, strong and positive she knows that no matter how many times she falls, it only matters how many times she gets up!! She is also really pretty. But, Lillian has a deep secret, she's a bit BOY-CRAZY.
Jaymie: Hey, Lillian likes you
Arnoldo: Oh yeah.
Jaymie: Yeah, she talks about you ALL THE TIME, i think she's in love...
Arnoldo: ... CRAZY BITCH
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