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A system within which fairness and merit is despensed with in favour of empowering idiots.

As Plato pointed out - the people do not always know best, even what is best for them (in the same way a small child doesn't!)

Current democracies feature governments with the support of a minority of the population and a bias towards those who form the majority and so therefore have their every whim pandered to on the basis that it wins votes.

Tony Blair's slightly less than popular government.

The UK system of doling out benefits to those too lazy to work, but who still vote.


by !!Jesus!! November 8, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


What Americans and some other european nations think they have. What America actually has is a representative republic, where the people have to choose between 2 candidates (the others dont really matter, and no one ever votes for the green party) A democracy is where a nation is ruled by its people, rather than one person who gets into power using lies and then doesn't listen to public opinion. What a good government would be is that someone is voted into power, and all major decisions put forward by the government are voted on by the public. The person in power has the ultimate decision, unless there is a big majority vote against him/her i.e. more than 60%

Since my vote doesn't count, i'm voting for The Monster Raving Looney party.

by Count Vladimir Varkovsky April 14, 2004

17๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


The term "democracy" derives from ancient Greek: "Demos" means the mob (of citizens) + "Kratos" meaning ruler(ship), i.e., government. Therefore Demo + cracy = Mob Rule.

We are NOT ruled by the mob; we are ruled by the Media. Therefore we are a Mediocracy.

In a Democracy, rulers are chosen by the mob, according to their promises to do whatever the mob thinks it wants. Before taking office, they must first take an oath to only do what everyone wants and never to do anything that everyone does not want. This is called the Oath of Office. Because not everyone wants the same thing, the ruler in a true Democracy can never actually do anything because everyone cannot agree on anything. But in a Mediocracy that pretends to be a Democracy, the Media constantly criticizes the ruler for doing everything, anything, and nothing, because the mob cannot agree on anything and must be told everything that they must disagree with, so that they may continue to disagree with everything as the Media so directs in order to remain in power.

Individuals in Media who are chosen by others in the Media to rule over US, before taking office, must first be sworn in, whereby they swear never to do anything that exceeds Mediocre. This is called the Oath of Mediocrity. Thereafter nothing of actual value may ever be permitted.

by C. Ed Wright September 27, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something United States of America politicians claims the country is built on, while every single day they make every effort to undermine it.

The public doesn't war, politicians want war, means there will be war, because it's "democracy".

The public wants tax cuts, politicians want tax raises, means there will be tax raises, because it's "democracy".
The public wants weed, the politicians don't want weed, means if they'll find you possesing it, you'll be locked up for life, cause this is a "democracy"!

by 32121 July 21, 2016

88๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mob rule system of government. Inevitably fails.

Has major differences to a representative form of government.

In Democracy every man has a vote but does not work on large scales. Generally leads to chaos due to lack of organization and the pure anarchy due to the lack of rule of law.

In contrast, the federalized republic is a large scale Democratic system that is made up of many people's representatives elected by popular vote.

by American June 3, 2003

17๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Apolitical system that only rich people can afford

IBM is very democratic

by Paul December 25, 2003

12๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


It got something to do with young men killing each other.

Man 1: Have you heard about the War in Iraq?
Man 2: Yeah, its full of Democracy!

by Ralbert M November 21, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž