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Aylin ortega

She is a wanna be girl she is a lier, bossy, and a terrible person she would make things up to make you look dumb and that she has terrible music ly account and begs people to follow her.

I i'm such a aylin ortega I i'm the biggest wanna be EVER!

by Anonymous :\ March 9, 2017

1👍 8👎

Jenna Ortega's Husband

Jenna Ortega's Husband AKA Crumbo

Jenna: I love you bby
Crumbo/Jenna Ortega's Husband: I love you too bae

by Angry_Salad May 16, 2023

3👍 11👎

scarlett ortega

Scarlett Ortega is a beautiful, sexy, amazing, and talented girl! She loves to sleep and dance and everyone’s boyfriend wanted her first. She has a bunch of friends but a lot of people envy her because she has a nice body and a beautiful face! Scarlett is the girl you go to when you want to have a good time, real life of the party. She can be very misunderstood when you first meet her but as you get to know her, she’s the best person you’ll ever meet. She’s very very goofy.

Omg is that Scarlett Ortega? I wanna be friends with her!

by Big Shirley November 22, 2021

The Ortega Line

This is the point where technology projects are typically abandoned for brighter and more fun projects. Usually 80%, and the remaining work is usually the inglorious stuff like documentation, security and common sense. Named after RA Ortega, the man responsible for delivering technology projects at scale, using under the influence.

Shit, no wonder I can't find anyone. This project hit the Ortega line, and everyone bagged ass.

by yoSco December 7, 2021

ryan anthony ortega

Ryan is a really gay person. Also his breath stinks very very bad. People's eyes tear up when he talks to them. Not because his words are beautiful but because it gives them a metal image of hell.

Oh my god, ryan anthony ortega just talked to me and I don't think I'll ever smell again.

by kj_that June 18, 2019


A usually gay surname, relating to old mexican traditions of poo farmers and toilet cleaners. Ortega is a surname of working and dirt. The new generation of Ortega can have money to spend on towels and hoovers but not a house.
NOT to be confused with Ortiger (A brazilian tree)

You are such an Ortega (You are gay)

by bcbadai December 26, 2017

jackie ortega barron

One of the most beautiful girls u will ever meet. Encountering a Jackie Ortega Barron is rare and u should be grateful for her being in your life. She has dark hair, beautiful eyes, and not to mention the most beautiful smile. She is really easy to fall in love with but hard to get over. Guys are chasing after her wanting to date her.

You: Damn is that a Jackie Ortega Barron
Friend: Hell yeah it is

You: Dibs

by Ultra Instict Shaggy ❤🇲🇽⚽️🤞 June 9, 2018