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A crappy old city located between some dirty rivers (which often have cars or bodies in them). Pissburgh basically is full of rednecks (ever hear the saying "Pennsylvania: Philadelphia on one side, Alabama on the other"). Pissburgh is full of racists too. Everyone in the city claims to have such huge pride in their city but they don't. That is why Iron City went out of business (because everyone is cheap and just drinks Miller Lite, which is a hypocricy in itself because everyone is racist and Miller Lite donates to the Negro College Fund). That is also why the Penguins might leave town (Pissburghers don't like hockey too much becaues it is too complicated of a sport to get drunk and watch, and also cause the Penguins never play defense). Pissburgh claims to be a big drinking town but in reality no one here can handle their liquor, which is why Pissburgh is one of the leading DUI cities in the country. Pissburgh has no good job opportunities. Pissburgh claims to have their own language (yinz, n'at) but in reality NOBODY TALKS LIKE THAT except when they do it on purpose. Pissburghers want to have their own identity SO MUCH but whether they like it or not Pissburgh is a below average run of the mill city. For example, people think when you get a sandwich with french fries on it that is called ordering it "Pittsburgh style" but in reality NOBODY who doesn't live in Pittsburgh has ever heard of that. Pissburgh was rated one of the worst cities for singles, and it certainly is. All the girls are ugly and all the guys are uneducated rednecks. Pissburgh's number one radio station is KISS FM, which is basically a bunch of retards singing over the music while it plays. During winter Pissburgh's roads are the worst, because there are about 2 salt trucks that drive around when they feel like it. Pissburgh is full of hypocrits. They blast Barry Bonds for using steroids every chance they get, but when the true subject that the Steelers used steroids in the 70s comes up, they turn their heads. Basically, Pissburgh is a second rate city full of idiots who wish they had their own culture and language but they simply do not.

I live in Pittsburgh...boy does my life suck n'at

by Bill Coward May 3, 2006

156๐Ÿ‘ 405๐Ÿ‘Ž


A dirty steel town, full of unemployed steel workers, in which everyone has mullets, drinks Rolling Rock beer, listens to 102.5 DVE, drives a Chevy truck, and worships the Pittsburgh Steelers as a religion, with Art Rooney in place of God and "Mean Joe" Greene in place of Jesus Christ. Pittsburgh even has its own language, Pittsburghese, and is in the process of forming its own country.

Yeah, I saw someone from Pittsburgh recently, mullet and everything.

by Mullet McFuckington July 11, 2008

91๐Ÿ‘ 230๐Ÿ‘Ž


Worst city in the world, mostly because everyone is automatically stereotyped as a hick if you live here. Also, not everyone talks 200 mph, and uses pittsburghese. Not everyone's poor, there's actually a lot of mansions. But it still pretty much translates into hell hole =)

"Everyone from Pittsburgh's a redneck"
"do I look like a redneck?"
"exactly dipshit"

by dfslksjdf April 5, 2009

80๐Ÿ‘ 214๐Ÿ‘Ž


An overall awesome place. Home to the Pittsburgh Steelers (6 Superbowls and counting) Pittsburgh Pirates ( I don't care if they suck, they are from Pittsburgh) and Pittsburgh Penguins (We love our hockey!). Pitt and Penn State are popular college teams. Takes 30 minutes or less (usually) to get to the city from any of the suburbs. We have Pittsburgese and apparently don't even notice it. Some places to visit are the Golden Triangle, either of the inclines (really Mt. Washington in general), Shadyside, Strip District, and the suburbs. Most of them are really great and have some great stuff to do.

Pittsburgh is a great place to live. Schools for the most part are great, culture is rich, food is great, people are friendly. Sports are a favorite. Little league baseball is becoming increasingly popular along with soccer and basketball.

by pittgirl June 14, 2011

27๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


cool place but a lot of the people their think they are tough and anyone who is a steelers fan for some reason thinks that makes them tough its sad

pittsburgh is almost as cool as philly

by alex14 August 9, 2006

87๐Ÿ‘ 243๐Ÿ‘Ž


Get over It Yinza's Pittsburgh is a giant asshole inhabited by small peices of shit. It stinks, It's dirty, everything tastes like metal, the girls are ugly and the guys are douche bags. Living in pittsburgh will make your life suck. The bars are shitholes. The natives are disgusting alcoholics. The sports fans are crazed maniacs. Downtown P-burgh smells like a sweaty farmers ass. Pittsburgh blows don't go there you'll regret it. The end.

matt says'i got accepted to Pitt should I go?
Ryan replies" you should never got to a college that's name rhymes with shit"

by kitty April 18, 2005

134๐Ÿ‘ 402๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most boring and depressing city in America. Avoided by most because of it's lack of coolness.

Only a Pittsburgher would like Pittsburgh

by jonny jo fsd September 2, 2003

140๐Ÿ‘ 424๐Ÿ‘Ž