greek word meaning shut up or be quiet
greek 1: Screaming and partying
greek 2: Sopa re! You're so drunk.
An act congress tried to pass in an attempt to try and stop online piracy. This act is unconstititional and defeats the purpose of the Internet. The Internet was created to distribute information regardless of what it is. This act would break the internet. It is bad enough the freaking NSA watches everything you do we don't need these idiots censoring the constitution.
Guy 1: Did you hear congress is trying to pass a law that will prevent online piracy? It's called SOPA.
Guy 2: That is unconstitutional and will fail instantly.
A bill that allows any corporations to attack any websites that they think it is a pirate without trial.
Thank god that it didn't passed, otherwise google would've got sopa'd by viacom
a substance that cleans dyslexic people
2: Why? We don't need more dirty dyslexic people in the world.
An annual event where sopa eaters from around the world gather and compete in games that involve eating sopa
“i entered in the sopa games but lost to this nigga yon”
An annual event where sopa eaters from around the world gather and compete in games that involve eating sopa
i entered in the sopa games but lost to this nigga yon