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a smelly cunt

That scunt smells like tuna

by usain thunder September 9, 2010

8👍 8👎


Referring to someone, usually a female, that is a Stupid Cunt; Combination of the two words emphasizes their meanings

Gurl 1: I cant stand Michelle, she is a stupid cunt!
Gurl 2: No shes worse, she a SCUNT!
Gurl 1: Agreed, what a Scunt

by ScreenDoor-Junkie March 22, 2022


A stone or pebble found on an otherwise smooth roller skating surface

They found the perfect roller skating surface with very few scunts. A quick sweep of the area made sure it was scunt free.

by Boomboom8ww August 18, 2023


A fun scavenger hunt that is a part of the student-run Engineering Orientation at the University of Toronto. The full name is "Havenger Scunt" which is a poke at the long-standing joke that Engineers cannot spell. The name is abbreviated to "Scunt" as it rolls off the tongue easier and rolls off the tongue better when in conversation.

UofT F!rosh 1: "Hey are you going to scunt tonight?"
UofT F!rosh 2: "Heck yeah I am, I'm so excited, I hope my team wins!!!"

by practicesafety September 7, 2023


A sneaky cunt

You traitor... You know what you are? You're a scunt... That's right a sneaky cunt!

by Vineman2012 June 13, 2018


Scunt or Scunts, scum ( lowlife, user, abuser, master manipulator) / skank ( hoe, whore, home wrecker), Cunt ( a person who is downright rude, unbearable, always right even a tad stalkerish)

# You shove your nose in our relationship out of spite, jealousy and you say you love and want him your a fucking SCUNT!
# I have helped you over and over yet you still use me as your provider abusing my kindness your a SCUNT!

by pseudeom April 8, 2021


The abbreviated version for stinky cunt.

Woah Stacy sure had a scunt last night.

by Possibly_Evelynn October 28, 2019