Referring to someone, usually a female, that is a Stupid Cunt; Combination of the two words emphasizes their meanings
Gurl 1: I cant stand Michelle, she is a stupid cunt!
Gurl 2: No shes worse, she a SCUNT!
Gurl 1: Agreed, what a Scunt
A stone or pebble found on an otherwise smooth roller skating surface
They found the perfect roller skating surface with very few scunts. A quick sweep of the area made sure it was scunt free.
You traitor... You know what you are? You're a scunt... That's right a sneaky cunt!
Scunt or Scunts, scum ( lowlife, user, abuser, master manipulator) / skank ( hoe, whore, home wrecker), Cunt ( a person who is downright rude, unbearable, always right even a tad stalkerish)
# You shove your nose in our relationship out of spite, jealousy and you say you love and want him your a fucking SCUNT!
# I have helped you over and over yet you still use me as your provider abusing my kindness your a SCUNT!
A mixture of Skanky and Cunt bitch whores who has many desires to sexually exploit herself in an insatiable manner to where she becomes mentally thwart and has now developed a crabby bitch attitude at extreme rate and has become nasty in many aspects of being without hygiene as it manifests bacteria across her body as it takes over her epidermis completely along with her attitude that is beyond decrepid in epic proportions.
My brothers first and second wife were among two of the most top grades Scunts to ever whore their nasty asses around town daily to provide the city with their endless amount of crabs and infectious diseases.