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Skye: whimsical beauty, ethereal essence, gifted in understanding nature- the natural world, passionate for animals and the environment, health, & wellbeing. Someone called Skye will travel and lead a very adventurous life! She has the strong personality of a natural-born leader and listens well to speak with dignity, grace, & ingenuity. Ingenuous at solving riddles and often quite charismatic. She is well-balanced; independent when she needs to be and also blessed with a charming gift for social etiquette. Some females named Skye include a middle name in what she prefers to be called. She is remarkably feminine, courageous, bold, persistent, unyielding, deliberate, smart, calm, strategic, competitive, and has personal initiative. Skye leads teams, is meditative and purposeful. She is naturally one of the prettiest ones in the room and without any vanity nor self-consciousness. She is confident and self-assured. She expresses her feelings and creates deliberate excellence in her character. Skye’s character is admirable because she always enjoys learning and her dreams are greater than most other humans because she doesn’t even need to reach for the sky; She’s already there to begin with! A young lady named Skye enjoys team work and never gossips nor says any bad words. She’s preppy and proud of it! She knows how to ignore negativity and that’s one of the many reasons for her popularity. She copes well during pressure and smiles all of the time. :)

Friend “Skye is definitely who I am voting for- because nobody else is as talented, genuine and organized as she is”

Teacher: “Skye knows what she wants and is cool without having to be unpleasant. She is definitely an important person in the future”

by TrueSurfKid March 14, 2018

7👍 3👎


Is a hoe ,plays loads of guys and only goes for toxic guys

Wow skye is such a hoe

by SpongeBob24 November 23, 2021

6👍 4👎


One of the most beautiful, kind and bubbly girls you will ever meet. If you come across such a hot girl named skye, you must beco e her friend otherwise you will regret it. She is so secretive and just know that you can trust her with anything! As a girl who always keeps up with the trends, skye is the name of aomeone who is basically just perfect.

1. Bob: omg have you saw skye!?

Henry: yeah! I would be so lucky to have her!

2. Jamima: skye is so perfect! I wanna be just like her!

Lily: same! I wonder how she gets so much popularity!

by InternetFangirl1 February 4, 2018

7👍 3👎


A vile bitch who enjoys talking to people’s boyfriends and fingering herself in her friends bed

‘’eww what’s that smell’’ oh its just skye

by user9182748210038281 November 8, 2021

7👍 5👎


A skinny person who has a mole near her mouth and is talkative

She is such a skye

by PotatoesTomatoes January 30, 2017

15👍 14👎


The most beautiful girl in the world. Someone you can always turn to for help or for a good talk. Someone easy to fall in love with and want to live the rest of your years with.

A: Wow, she's the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. She must be Skye.

by MaddieSkye1715 April 17, 2021

4👍 1👎


A guy in his 20’s who lives with his parents and works at his dad’s pizza shop only for free pizza. Rides around on a scooter and smokes his dad’s weed.

“Fucking Skye ate the pizza I ordered.”

by yuh87 July 8, 2018

6👍 4👎