One of the most disgusting shock videos out there. It contains two guys in a kitchen. The one asks in the creepiest hentai voice ever, “Do YoU wAnT a SaNdWiCh?!” The other says is an even more disturbingly hentai voice, “YeS i LoVe YoUr SaNdWiChEs!!!” So the guy starts making the sandwiches. He spits into the patty. Then he pulls back his foreskin to reveal his whole penis head covered in dick cheese. He uses this as the cheese for the sandwich. As if this isn’t bad enough, it gets worse. The other guy eats the sandwich and says, “HeY tHiS cHeEsE iS tAcKy!” He continues to eat it happily ever after. Extremely nauseating video attempting to glorify eating dick cheese. Worse than eating cum in my opinion, DON’T WATCH!!!
Sicko: Hey wanna watch 2 guys 1 sandwich?
Poor unfortunate soul: This better not be about eating shit or cum
Sicko: No it’s even better! * he he *
* watches it *
Poor unfortunate soul: WHAT THE FUCK THAT’S EVEN WORSE!!! I HATE YOU!!!
* Sicko laughs while eating dick cheese in the background *
This is how I watched it btw
Btw if you’ve made it this far congratulations because everything you just read is fake
3👍 12👎
Definitely the best podcast known to man. Starring 3 cool cats from AP and FR.
Hey thats the guys from 3 guys 1 podcast, lets let them have but sex with us!
2👍 10👎
The same as a Bermuda Hot Pocket
Bro I was one of the 3 guy's in a 3 guys 1 hot pocket last night and it was so sexy! She had all of her holes filled with shit!
as far as i know it was an itteration of 2 girls 1 cup but it involves a guy taking 2 spoons and using them to pull his eye out of its socket
p1: have you seen "1 guy 2 spoons"
p2: yes i have you disgusting person
A video of a guy popping his eyes out with 2 spoons.
Henry: Hey Kai did you see the 1 Guy 2 Spoons video
Kai: Yeah it was insane, why would he even do that!?
Some random guy who lives tens of thousands of miles away from Guy 2.
Guy 1 ------------------------------- Guy 2
This ☝️☝️☝️
That right there is the problem. Guy 2 is a renowned author from the UK. Guy 1 is just some guy who has likely never even heard of Guy 2. Guy 3 (Me) said a very specific sentence to Guy 1. A sentence that Guy 3 HAS NEVER HEARD ANYONE ELSE SAY BEFORE. Repeated back to him by Guy 2 several weeks later.
Guy 1 ----------------------------- Guy 2
This line ☝️ represents the medium used by both guys to disseminate information. The only thing they have in common is their awareness of Guy 3. What happens when YOU are Guy 3? It'Ll NeVeR bE mE I'm OnE oF tHe GoOd OnEs! No. You're a fucking retard. You don't understand the deeper implications of what is being perpetrated against me. There is no reason to live like this.
1👍 1👎
Guy 1 is the guy who is used in every urban dictionary example.
Guy 1's friend is Guy 2, he is also used sometimes.
Guy 3 or 4 are'nt used most of the time because most examples have no Guy 3 or 4.
Guy 1: Hi guys im guy 1!
Guy 2: Hello guy 1!
Guy 1: Hi.
Guy 3: Hello Guy 1 and 2!.
Guy 1 & 2: huh?
Guy 4: *doesn't exist*