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An adjective describing something so crappy or ridiculous that it is actually a joy to experience, as in a movie, television show, or book.

Alice: Have you seen the A-Team yet?
Bobby: Oh my god, yes! I loved it. It was so good-crappy.

by Teenage Wasteland? July 1, 2010

Crappy Charity

A phony charity started by highschoolers just to earn college points. These students have no such intention to actually help people. The methods which these "organizations" run by are extremely shady, with limited information on their insta pages and poorly made weeblys. Most of the time they have a gofundme page, with at most three vague sentences.

Yo you see that Zhang kid make another crappy charity?

Yea man I saw. The dude puts his own name on the webpage in large text so that universities will see!

by doyourealize September 6, 2021

crappy poop

when something is crappy as well as poopy

mike rosen smells like crappy poop

by james Calwagger <33333333 May 30, 2008

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Crappy Bitch

A woman who breaks woman law. Behaves in pure narcissistic ways to gain a man's attention with the hope of a meaningless relationship.

Lindsey: I can't believe she slept with him after you called dibbs.

Jennifer: Yeah, what a crappy bitch!

Lindsey: And, so now she is dating him, just so he won't date you.

Jennifer: Yep, she's also a crappy bitch.

Jennifer: So let me get this straight. Your husband's ex-girlfriend's best friend is now sleeping with your brother without the ex-girlfriend's approval.

Lindsey: Did I not warn you that she's a crappy bitch.

by LPtheI May 5, 2010

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crappy boyfriend

You may ask, what is a crappy boyfriend? HHMmmmm well hopefully you wouldnt know because you haven't had a crappy boyfriend before. This is a boyfriend who wont make the first move, one who wont talk to you, one you doesnt say hi when you walk past them, one who wont hug you (if you have a crappy boyfriend a long hug sounds good).

1)One who sees you and walks by you and doesnt say hi, or even act as if you exist.

2)Some bitch that NEEDS to be DUMPED!

This is a crappy boyfriend

by LLamma buTT March 13, 2009

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Crappy Cathy

The act of spreading a woman's fat rolls apart and releasing fecal matter inside while squeezing the fat rolls back together.

I gave John's Mom a Crappy Cathy last night.

by Dill&Jar June 7, 2009

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Crappy pants

A pair of pants or underpants that has been freshly pooped in or shows signs of past pooping mishaps.

Look at Jimmy standing there in his shit stained underpants. He's got crappy pants.

by JoeyBomm January 26, 2021