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A sexy man who kisses freshmen girls, and boys under the influence.

"oh he's kissing boys under the influence that must be weedle"

by WEEDLESDAD October 17, 2022


The Weedles literally is a reaction to financial desperation usually among drug addicts but can also be applied to people with bad gambling addictions. To Weedle is to become so desperate for a drug fix that the person begins to look over everything around them they can sell or trade for drugs including other's possessions.

Being accused of having the Weedles is implying financial desperation the person with it intends to solve at the expense of others.

A wheedler is someone who contemplates selling off their goods or theft to support a drug habit. Please refer to Sketcher (USA slang) and Spranger (U.K. slang).

Example 1:
You are not weedleing off my shit to support your fucking meth habit!

Example 2:
You see how messed up that crack addict is? I swear he has the weedles for anything he can sell off or trade for his fix.

Example 3:
Dude, your sister is going through your stuff like she intends to sell it off. If I didn't know any better your sister has the weedles bad.

Example 4:
You think your going to find something you can weedle off?

Example 5:
Let me guess, your dry and need a hit? I'm asking because you look like you got the weedles bad.

by Fractious1 January 5, 2018

teedle weedle

Small ass cock

boy, u got a teedle weedle dick

by ZZZZeeebra March 26, 2017

training the ol' Weedle

A Pokémon joke implying masturbation.

A: "So what're you doing tonight?"
B: "I'll be training the ol' Weedle."

by theh0peful July 19, 2015

weedle your deedle

To urinate especially after one has had a lot to drink.

After seven beers in two hours you'd better weedle your deedle before you burst.

by Seymour P. Clyde Aloysius Jones July 26, 2006