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The Ambulating Monkey

When your homie is stumbling around eating bananas after sixty nine shots of tequila

Dude 1: Yo man what’s up with Random?
Dude 2: Oh he’s just doing The Ambulating Monkey.

by Pweaw July 7, 2021

Sweaty Ambulance

Known as the perenium, it is the piece of skin between a mans ballsack and arsehole. Also known as a gooch

I would like you to chew on my sweaty ambulance.

Shaun said to Brett "My sweaty ambulance is chafing"

by Pascal Zeebaboola September 11, 2008

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Ambulance chaser

Douche bags that look for companies in financial crisis and then prey on them in order to suck any remaining assets or cash they may be able to profit from. They advertise in the national newspapers, on the radio and on TV.
They send unsolicited mail to companies and individuals to who have had county court judgements and winding up petitions lodged against them offering salvation and solutions. They make false promises to company directors. The companies who operate in this way charge huge fees for unprofessional advice.

oh shit i've been chased by an ambulance.

by Notorious D.O.U.C.H.E. September 22, 2003

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

ambulance chaser

a lesser breed of human known as an accident lawyer. to be found in accident and emergency departments and on daytime tv.

"have you been injured in the past three years?....not your fault? call the ambulance chasers and we will miraculously get you lots of money and not charge you." hmmmmmmmm

by sarah September 20, 2003

47πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

ambulance chaser

An ambulance chaser is a disreputable lawyer who, if he witnessed an accident, would chase the ambulance in order to represent the victim in a legal claim.

"The guy who represented me was nothing but a damn ambulance chaser!"

by Ciaran Murphy September 22, 2003

21πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

ambulance chaser

A lawyer who advertizes during Jerry Springer. He specializes in redirecting phone calls, and screwing people out of money.

by Karie Harvey September 23, 2003

22πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Mexican Ambulance

The back of a pickup truck, or a wheel barrel.

"Diago has eaten too many burritos, we have to call a mexican ambulance!"
"Yes ese, I'll get Sanchez's pickup truck."

by Zaunji August 4, 2008

25πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž