The art in which to play with the other sex's genitals when performing oral sex.
Yeah that bitch totally fandangled me.
That bit of chewing gum stuck in the back of the vaginas throat.
"OI bitch go wash out that FANDANGLE so I can eat my lunch..."
fan-dan-gle' 1. (verb) a sexual act performed between 2 persons; eg. intercourse.
2. (verb) out of sorts; e.g. "messed up":fandangled
3. (verb) too harm;
4. (noun) Someone/something who is great; e.g. fandangler.
Forms: Fandangled, Fandangler, Fandangling.
1. "You may have been drunk, but I was fandangled."
2. "I may be fandangled but I will fandangle you any day, call me the fandangler."
3. "I fandangled your wife last night."
Making sweet sweet love without full on sexual intercourse needing to be involved
My husband and I love fandangling between the sheets
The act of doing something useless.
Ryan stop fandangling, It’s useless.