Source Code

Five Finger Spread

During masturbation, you take the hand you prefer to masturbate with and spread your fingers along the shaft, placing your thumb gently against the head. Masturbate as you normally would but remember to use the full shafty spread to your pleasurable advantage. Panting loudly like a dog with a finger in it's anus can help you climax like a Walrus riding Kurt Cobain's salty lyric notebook.

Laadds, I'm wanking right now...... it's the five finger spread and it feels fucking great! *pant pant*

by Jolly Bunch? January 3, 2010

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

five finger discount

free. stolen. pinched.

"check it out dude, i got 17 cadburys creme eggs on five finger discount!"

by D-Bizz January 9, 2007

178πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž

Five fingers up

If you see a person popping fives they mostly likely gay or get no money

Don’t pop 5s big 4s five fingers up are for pussys

by Gobble my balls April 3, 2022

17πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Five Finger Gernade

When you are finger-banging a girl and you randomly shove your fist up her snatch and say "booooooooom!"

-Caleb was giving Tianna a Five Finger Gernade and when he did it Tianna got mad and slapped him.

-Caleb gave Tianna a Five Finger Gernade and she laughed.

-Caleb asked Tianna if she wanted a Five Finger Gernade and Tianna thaught it would be funny.

by Brayden G. February 19, 2008

17πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

five finger delight

A female who gives herself pleasure using all five fingers.

Also known as "fingering oneself"

so, you are going to give yourself the five finger delight tonight, or do I have to take my pants off?

coined by Seal

by Seal January 14, 2005

11πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

five-finger circus

Another phrase for masturbation

She's not coming over tonight, so I guess I'll just make a visit to the five-finger circus.

by ssnryno July 25, 2006

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Five Finger Freddie

aka Fisting. When a guy sticks all his fingers inside a girl's vajay jay.

I totally gave her the "Five Finger Freddie" last night. What a loose whore!

by Shawn Sal January 28, 2010

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž