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The Bronie's kryptonite.


by BronyPony November 30, 2012

33๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


verb: To retch or vomit;throw-up,spew or hurl
noun: The leftovers or by-products of vomiting. Vomit. The regurgitated contents of the stomach.

When I saw the sore on his hand, I was so grossed out I thought I would gak.

by Correct July 18, 2003

24๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who does things for no apparent reason, without understanding their situation.

A formal greeting among friends

Someone who has what we call "Sugar tourettes", on a sugar high and says things at random

Friend -Hey jeff i heard you were planning on studying later with jamey right?
Jeff- GAK!

Hey jeff whats up? GAK!

Hey jamesy poo, i got you a valentines day present. GAK! SHAMAGALA

by Mysterious Jeff February 13, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


A magical word, which means different things at different times to different people

Nai: Stfu Gakslag
Bri: Make me you worthless piece of Gak
Nai: I love you Gakface
Bri: I love you too Gakfeatures

by your_pixie_the_nai August 14, 2006

18๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word that sounds like it should be an ethnic slur, but isn't

Herb: You're such a dirty gak
Walt: What does that even mean?
Herb: I don't know, the tele told me to say it
Walt: I say, shut your pie hole you dingleberry
Herb: That's uncalled for
Walt: I'm sorry, let's get some tea
Herb: Jolly good, you filthy gak...

by U.N. Owen March 2, 2005

21๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person that hates complainers.

I was bitching, then that Gaks told me to shut up.

by The One You Love to Hate July 10, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


Australian slang term used to refer to street Amphetamine Sulphate, aka 'Speed'.

Once a popular street drug in Australia during the 80's, it's use began to decline during the 90's when powdered Methamphetamine began to surface, which was often sold to users as 'Speed' which it is not.

It's use and availability as a street drug is now uncommon, and has virtually been replaced by the more potent and more harmful drug Crystal Meth, which is known in Australia as 'Gear' or 'Ice'.

Amphetamine Sulphate (Gak) never had the high abuse and addiction rate or caused as many problems as Methamphatamine (Ice) in Australia, when it was around. I have personally heard this from police officers, drug councillors and former users who were around during the 80's.

Gak is also commonly known in Australia as 'Whipper, Whip, Speed, Whizz' or 'GOey

"Back in the day, you could get a bag of Gak, go out on the weekend, have a great time and it was all cool. Didn't fuck as many people up and turn them into tweakers like Meth does now days"

"GAK?! Fuck yea us rack up a line!!"

by GottaGoFast72 September 28, 2017

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