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dis-impressing is a word, hah i told you leah!!!!

leah you are beginning to disimpress me.

by andrew April 22, 2005

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color me impressed

A term that someone uses to say that they are impressed.

Person 1: I got straight A's on my report card
Person 2:Well Color Me Impressed, you are very smart

by ClassicClock May 23, 2015

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to impress jodie foster

What you say when did something stupid and you really have no explanation as why you did it in the first place. Comes from the psychopath John Hinckley, Jr. who tried to assassinate Ronald Reagan to impress Jodie Foster.

Cop: "Why did you throw your milkshake at the drive-thru lady?"

Crook: "Uh...uh..to impress jodie foster.."

by tonitewedineinhell July 11, 2008

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first impression shirt

the shirt in your wardrobe that hangs in the closet with dust on the shoulders that waits until you need to make a good first impression

I was meeting my new boss today, so I put my sandals in the closet, got out my good shoes, some clean jeans, and my first impression shirt.

by ChuckChaser69 July 5, 2008

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fozzy bear impression

When getting a blowjob from a girl continue to force her head forward at a generous rate of speed thus causing a "wokka..wokka...wokka" noise

I had that girl doing her best "fozzy bear impression" last night

by The Fozzy October 19, 2010

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niagara falls impression

when one throws-up. Prone to happen after pregaming with appletinis.

Phrase originated in a Boston pizza in Niagara Falls, ON.

Jeremy is such a toolbox, he did his niagara falls impression all over Boston Pizza, ruining all his single friends chances with those ladies.

(Text): Ass-clown wake up for class! or are you too tired from showing everyone your niagara falls impression last night?

by Ryan and Jeremy September 30, 2007

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do one's impression

to behave in a certain way you think is typical of someone or something

to do one's impression:
I stood in front of the mirror and did my impression of Elvis Presley.

by susannaius January 7, 2009