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my intestines are falling out

their intestines are falling out

Joe: my intestines are falling out my anus
Bobo: does it look like i care

by truthtellingguy January 23, 2023

Intestinal Obligation

A polite way to say "I have to take a huge crap"

I'm sorry I won't make it in time because I an intestinal obligation to take care

by Daqkua January 4, 2016

intestine hands

Known for taking something good and turning it into shit with everything you touch.

A kid was given a new toy. His intestine hands guaranteed the toy would soon be broken.

by DigitalSherpa June 22, 2015

dying old man intestines

When you go into the bathroom that has been fouled by the previous occupant.

It smells like dying old man intestines in there

by Pebbles B August 31, 2023

spicy intestine

put a blowtorch up someone's ass let the gas out then light the gas

now when they go to the bathroom they are fighting for their life

"ahhhh my ass carl " i got spicy intestines

by coastal401 May 3, 2022

Sheep intestine rewind

when a sheep's intestines dance to the groove

oh yea girl! hit that sheep intestine rewind

by Tablecloth_wanker March 24, 2020


An implemented form of government involving a daily gathering where party members use a GIANT 3D Printed stethoscope to listen to the collective belly of the earth thus revealing gurgling mystery which bubble deep within the subconscious mind of all humanity and thereby forming consensus decisions based on gut instincts.

The advent of intestinalism from the 1960s is more profuse today than ever before. As we approach the colon of societies collective amoeba, We Face some of the most diabolical probiotic culturals yet and even the dead corpses of yesterday still have yet to ferment in the deep bubbling sulfurous abyss of shreks 4th stomach

by Suburban Cicada 420 April 12, 2018