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Deep Knee Bends

The act of squatting over a fire hydrant repeadily down to a 90 degree angle (or further) until satisfied

"Last time I saw you're mama she was doin deep knee bends over fire hydrants. I was like yeeahhh, get down on that fire hydrant Bitch!!!"

by D. Bloch October 11, 2011

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knee deep in dumbass

When your the only sane one in a room that still has a brain.

I need to get out Of this house cause I am knee deep in dumbasses.

by EBLikeThat February 7, 2018

knee deep

A phrase meaning busy with, or swamped with.

"I'm up to my knees in homework"

by Steph November 1, 2003

knee deep

Being in lots of trouble, almost a lil over your head, or physically in mud, water, shit, what have u.

You are knee deep in fecal matter

by QC November 1, 2003

knee deep

To be saturated in trouble/joy physically or figuratively

I was knee deep in shit.

I was knee deep in skooch.

by Josh Stewart October 31, 2003