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she-man cave

The same space or room meant to be a male retreat as a normal man cave, but clearly designed by the female in the relationship to entertain "their" friends. What was originally intended to be a dude sanctuary, has now been turned into another formal room where no fun or masculinity can be found. This space might include a big screen tv or bar, but absolutely no items or memorabilia of any sports team, rock band, movie, superhero, or car. This man has been completely neutered.

My buddy took me on a tour of his man cave, but his wife turned it into a she-man cave.

by Mancave Movie Madness May 27, 2017

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Man Cave Sports

Sports website (www.mancavesportslounge.com);A room, area, or most likely the basement, of a dwelling that is reserved for guys to be away from the rest of the household (lady friend or significant other) in order to watch, read, or write about sports. This area is usually decorated by the male, without influence from lady friends. In rare occasions, females who can hold their own, when it comes to talking sports, are welcome in this domain. Man Cave essentials include: good friends, good food, TV (preferably HD) and remote control , beer (for 21 and up), and Pepsi for minors.

Guy 1: Dude, I love hanging out and talking "Man Cave Sports".

Guy 2: I know! I had to get away from my lady friend. She was going on and on about American Idol. I had to get to the Man Cave.

Guy 3: Did you see the article making fun of Tim Tebow on Man Cave Sports today? HILARIOUS.

by Hunter Scott 10 April 25, 2010

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low-rent man cave

The area in your house that your wife allows you to hang out with your friends, listen to music, drink, smoke and generally cut-up and be loud and obnoxious. Usually the garage.

On Saturday nights my buds and I meet over at Walkers low-rent man cave, his converted tool shed, to smoke, drink, laugh and raise hell amongst the lawn mower, weed eater and yard implements. We listen to a football game or find a bluegrass station on his parents 1971 Magnavox AM/FM/Clock Radio using a straightened clothes hanger as an antenna. All of the furniture is from yard sales or picked up off the side of the road.

by bullet88 October 1, 2010

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The Man Cave

what dkain calls his sex dungeon.

The Man Cave wdrne'uhg/l

by quartz89 February 3, 2022

Man Cave

Man Cave
/man kฤv/
noun: man cave; plural noun: man caves

a room or space usually an isolated area where a heterosexual male of a household that has been pussified, a reduced man, a loser be allowed by their "better half", usually a female to have an area to exert the male interests and activities and be as they're pleased.

"After years of negotiation, my wife finally allowed half of our garage to be my man cave"

by Moss Mini September 27, 2023

Man Cave

An alternate name for the genitals of a trans-masculine person.

I bet Buck Angel has the grippiest man cave out there.

by Bussyconsumer August 19, 2022

Man Cave

A Man Cave is a space in a house that is created by a man... for man... usually to fulfill his needs for watching sports and working on hobbies.
A Man Cave is often located in a Garage or Basement... especially if the space is set up as a duel purpose area.
It's almost mandatory to have a home theater system for watching sports or fishing videos or workout videos or Harley upgrade videos, etc..
It's also a space that is best done while the man is a bachelor... so that female input does not interfere with your man cave plans. A married man probably cannot get away with saying, "I need to spend $20,000 of our hard earned money to build a space just for me". A bachelor... naturally... can get away with this.

A Man Cave build often comes after a divorce.
Finally... it's a space that is very diverse depending on the man's needs.
A Man Cave can have posted RULES that are directed at female visitors. For example... the rules might dictate who is in charge of the remotes and the audio/video media.
A Man Cave can be visited by ladies... especially when they need something built of fixed... but the lady has to adhere to rules if posted.

Dude or Bro... It's college football Saturday... I'll be working on my Harley while watching some games if you want to come over.
My Man Cave is set up as a Workshop Man Cave.
Hey Babe... I'll be in the Man Cave today... so just let yourself in.

by The Urban American Guy November 18, 2021