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I just invented this word...lay it on me. I don't know what it means, throw some defs out there.

"Don't procrasterbate too much, I hear you go blind."

by Miklos Patrichnikov March 23, 2004

6๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you're supposed to be doing school work etc. and you have a wank instead.

Person one: "Dude why didn't you finish your assignment?"
Person two: "Sorry I strated it then began procrasterbating"

by xMEGADAVEx May 19, 2011

1๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mutual Procrasterbation

n. - the act of two or more people putting off or delaying an unpleasant or unwanted task by masterbating instead. The task can be the same or different for each person and the masterbation can be simultaneous, where by each perosn pleasures him or herself, or shared, whereby each person pleasures another person.

v. - mutual procrasterbating , mutually procrasterbate(d)

adv. - mutual procrasterbater

See also procrasterbation

Juan and Carla did not want to finish their chores, so instead, they engaged in mutual procrasterbation.

Peggy and her roomate Selma did not want to study for their mid-term, so they decided to mutually procrasterbate.

Sometimes during procrasterbation, Gary becomes bored by himself and invites his friend Omar for mutual procrasterbation.

by Wheredthecheesego? March 25, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Procrasterbation Mug

A mug used for masturbation while pressing matters await.

That's not a milkshake, it's my procrasterbation mug !

by emrldflm96 June 8, 2010


1. Masterbating instead of doing the work that you are supposed to be doing. Occurs frequently when high school boys are assigned to type a paper on something boring.
2. Rather than doing a project, you do your hand.

-"Hey Tyler, did you finish that paper yet, it's been like 4 hours?"
-"No, sorry man I was Procrasterbating and never got back on topic!"

by clitcaptain69 May 26, 2014


To procrastonate by masterbation

Yo did you get ur homework done ? Nah man I just procrasterbate

by bdkkc February 17, 2015


When you have something to but instead of doing it you masterbate

Jimmy should've been working on his science project but he chose to procrasterbate instead.

by Nayweboom September 19, 2017