Source Code

rubberband game

two people use rubberbands and hit the other person with them. first person to quit loses.
RULES: 1. must take turns

2. no re-do's

3. the rubberband must NOT be broken and has to be

turned inside out so it looks like an A

did you see his arm? they were playing the rubberband game and JOSE def won.

by boredBOYatSCHOOL May 4, 2010

1👍 2👎

rubberband man

Someone who is able to go down on himself.

Felatio for one...

Chris was early for his speed date with the rubberband man.

by pseudonomyous May 21, 2004

45👍 408👎

rubberband liagation

The most common way to remove a hemorrhoid.

Man I just had a rubberband liagation and my ass hurts.

by scott January 18, 2004

1👍 5👎

Rubberband Bank

A condom.

Ya need to never ever gotta go to yo wallet
Long as I got rubberband banks in my pocket

He's saying as long as he can emit semen into you while wearing a condom, he will pay for whatever you want.

by Tee.Eye. May 11, 2010

2👍 39👎


To remove a condom before ejaculation into the other person, then to snap it on the the other person before telling them that the condom has been removed.

Last night, I took the condom off before I came in her. Then slapped her ass yelling "Rubberbanding"

by Snapzillas October 18, 2023


Rubber banding is the act of putting one end of a rubberband in one's anus and the around their penis and creating a makeshift guitar that can be used to make music.

Hey man, I just learned to play Through the fire and the flames.
Oh, do you play the guitar?
No, I can play it by rubberbanding!

by Bannanass49 October 18, 2022


To rubberband is to cap I guess

Bro stop rubberbanding

by Gammby February 3, 2021