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Drowsy Schiavo

A method of suicide where one chases a fewe oxycodones with liquor before putting his/her ass over their head (satellite dish position), bulldogging a bottle of NyQuil rectally, and masturbating furiously to achieve orgasm before brain death. So named because one'side face will have the same blank expression as Terri Schiavo before the court ordered her feeding tube removed when their body is discovered.

After JI'm lost his job, life savings, wife, kids, and house in the divorce, he decided to pull a Drowsy Schiavo and get beamed up like Anton Yelchin.

by Mjolnir12982 August 31, 2016


1. Terri Schiavo, the Florida women who became a vegetable when her heart failed due to a condition brought on by her eating disorder. She became the center of a media circus and political pawn when her parents fought against her husband in the courts to try to keep her alive (her husband contended that she wouldn't want to be kept alive in such a state.) Her husband won and her feeding tube was removed. On March 31, 2005 she died of starvation

2. A person who is in need of a feeding tube to stay alive; a vegetable.

3. adj. Vegetative; physically inactive; in need of a feeding tube

To be extremly hungry; starving to death....

β€œLets eat, I'm totally schiavo”

by Freudiannic March 29, 2006

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

terri schiavo

What we learned from the Schiavo case:

1) Jeb Bush, George W. Bush, and Tom Delay are all world renowned

2) 22 successive court battles that all ended in exactly the same way
means there is something wrong with the courts, not the Schindler's case.

3) Mike is after money which is why he turned down 1 million dollars
and 10 million dollars to sign over guardianship.

4) Congress and the State Legislature of Florida has nothing better to
do than pry into the private medical affairs of others.

5) Pulling life support is bad in Florida when authorized by the legal
next-of-kin, but pulling life support is good in Texas when you run out
of money and the mother pleads not to pull the plug on her baby.

6) Medical diagnoses are best performed by watching highly edited
videotape made by Randall Terry rather than in person by trained physicians.

7) Minimum wage making nursing assistants are more qualified to
diagnose a persistent vegetative state than experienced neurologists.

8) Cerebral spinal fluid is a magical potion that can mimic the entire
functions of a missing cerebral cortex.

9) 15 years in the same persistent state is not really enough time to
make an accurate diagnosis.

10) A feeding tube that infuses yellow nutritional goop is not really
"life support".

11) Jesus was wrong when he said that a man and woman should leave
their parents and cleave only to each other.

12) Marriage is the most sacred of all unions, except when it isn't.

13) Interfering in a family's private tragedy is a great reason to cut
short a vacation, but getting a memo that warns a known terrorist is
determine to strike inside the US is cause to relax and finish up some R&R.

14) Pro-lifers are really compassionate people which is why they are
hoping that Michael Schiavo dies a horrible painful death.

15) The Supreme Court of the United States and the State Supreme Court
of Florida mean "Maybe" when they are saying "No!".

16) Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is a bleeding heart liberal.

17) 7 Supreme Court Justices were appointed by republican presidents,
so it's Clinton's fault.

18) A judge who makes rulings based on the law is obviously an
atheist, liberal, democratic activist even though he is a conservative,
republican, Southern Baptist.

yes, this is the example

by anonymous April 12, 2005

223πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

Terri Schiavo

What happens when you deprive yourself of potassium intake by being a bulimic for years and drinking 15 glasses of iced tea a day, causing a heart attack when you're 26 years old.

Terri Schiavo should be the poster girl for an anti-eating disorder campaign.

by It's sad what happened to her, though March 31, 2005

110πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Terri Schiavo

1. A single death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic.
2. Not a person who was "tortureed and starved to death," certainly not by "liberals," due to the fact that she, with all due respect, was lacking of the mental capactity to feel it. Challenge this, if you'd like to argue with the professionals who examined her.
3. A "great political issue" that will surely be beneficial to the republican "pro-life base"
4. A subject of bias by those who like to feel better about themselves by saying that a human life can never be taken away without evidence of consent. Although at the same time she was given little hope for recovery after 15 years and had lost, to quote, 40% of her brain functions? By the way, Christians: this woman WAS delayed going to heaven for those 15 years while upsetting generally innocent people like you, right?
5. An alternative use for money (appox. 100,000 a year) that could have prevented thousands of deaths but was instead spent on one life (see above) and bolstered the USs pathetic attempt at aid after the recent tsunami tragedy. Why? Just because it makes you LOOK better at yourself morally? Meanwhile some poor kid cries for his dead family in the ruins of his Indonesian village? Live with that, "human beings."
A Note- Before anyone starts mutilating my definition and my name: no I am not a commie for recognizing an intelligent paradoxial remark, or a fag because you have pms, or even a liberal. I am, however, a "loser" because I am different. That's right. I'm Green.

"Liberal"- Look, Terri is not going to recover.
"A Human Being"- you democratic, fetus killing fucking fag! How could you do this to ANY person?!?! I'll remove YOUR feeding tube and those of all your satanic fellows!
"Liberal"- I am humbled by your overpowering belief in life (ahem)

by bandar bush April 8, 2005

81πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Hot Schiavo

To be in a vegetative state and have someone take a hot steaming duke on you.

Nicole drank way too much joose last night! So as soon as she passed out on the futon i gave her a Hot Schiavo!!!

by skeetshooter48195 June 17, 2010

terri schiavo

...is dead
(Cue techno music to "James Brown is Dead" by L.A. Style.)

Now some of these wackjobs can get back to their own depraved lives.

by R. Kemp April 1, 2005

63πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž