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When two type of males love each other

My uncle is gay

by Logan omundson February 10, 2019

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Adjective 1: Happy and usually used in classical books, which then edgy 12 year olds laugh at.
Adjective 2: Liking or loving the same gender. Usually said by edgy 12 year olds in Fortnite.

Book: Her mom was so gay for the flowers she recieved.
12 yr old: ha ha lol it said gay

12 yr old: u mom gay

by OOOOOOOOOOFF February 25, 2018

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Oscar is gay

by smertieboi February 21, 2019

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Gay means homosexual But is commonly used wrong as an insult by homophobic people. Gay marriage is a right not a privilege. An example of a privilege is how churches don’t have to pay taxes.

If being gay was a choice then I’d choose to be gayer.

by I_dont_know_anymore June 16, 2020

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1 happy
2 homosexual

I i feel gay right now

2 That man is gay

by Lane (the bozz) wiseman December 27, 2016

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The term "Gay" means to be happy.

I am gay because it's my birthday.

by jeijeijerijer November 4, 2019

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You. If you are looking this up on urban dictionary, you are either an immature middle school boy or you are gay. Or both.

If you take an am I gay quiz, you are most likely gay.

by YesIAmGay November 21, 2021

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