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Ragged trash bags that are infinitely stuck in tree branches.

What's that in the tree behind Jamal's apartment ..oh it's just a ghetto-ghost.

by Rometti January 28, 2017

Ghetto godfather

A person who lives in the ghetto a person who doesn't sell drugs pimp women. A person who helps the community

That fundraising he did for neighborhood was good. Only a ghetto godfather do it for the kids

by Ghettogodfather February 26, 2017

ghetto pina

A ghetto pina colada. Made from pineapple juice and coconut rum.

Sometimes pronounced "ghetto pino"

I didn't feel like pulling out the blender, so I had a ghetto pina.

by GuybrushThreepwoodMightyPirate April 11, 2010

Ghetto Sandwich

A sandwich that consists of nothing but two pieces of white bread and unsweetened kool aid powder.

"Yo son, this ghetto sandwich be bland as fuck, pass me dem nutrasweet packets you found in the dumpster."

by Stillheart March 14, 2013

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Ghetto Bird

Police helicopter, especially when hovering over one area for a prolonged period of time.

That ghetto bird's been flying over the liquor store for half an hour.

by dannyb April 3, 2009

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ghetto koozie

Thin brown paper covering, usually given away when purchasing single beers or malt liquor at convenience stores. Not shown to actually keep the product cold, but does serve to absorb condensation from the exterior of the can or bottle. Also know as a small brown paper bag.

Store clerk: Would you like me to put that Steel Reserve 211 in a bag?

Crackhead: No, thanks, sir. I will however take one of the free ghetto koozies that you normally give me.

by Steven Faye Castro-Valdez May 4, 2006

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Ghetto Toasted

The act of toasting an entire sandwich by squeezing it into a regular toaster instead of a toaster oven.

Dude 1: "Hey man, how'd that house catch on fire?"

Dude 2: "Man, the dude that lives there was trying to get his sub sandwich ghetto toasted!"

by Da Vin Chee December 9, 2009

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