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Fat Lady Dump Jar

A container used to capture explosive vaginal ejaculate from an orgasming obese woman.

Greg and Chris did not want to ruin the carpet when they tag teamed Brad’s mom so they bought an extra Fat Lady Dump Jar to catch all her queef rain.

by crjoker May 7, 2022

Jar Jar Binks

Jar Jar Binks is a fictional character from Star Wars played by Ahmed Best. His most famous phrase is, Mesa called Jar Jar Binks, mesa your humble servant,"

Tom: Ay, you know bout that Jar Jar Binks kid?

by FrostKing September 27, 2022

Sith Jar Jar Principle

When someone acts foolish or stupid to distract from their true goals or needs. this stems from the popular theory Jar Jar Binks acted to accomplish his own goals as a Sith Lord, while using the mask of a fool to fool the Jedi.

Guy : don’t trust that dude.
Gal : Why not, he seems kinda fun in a dumb way.
Guy : he’s using the Sith Jar Jar Principle (Sith JJ Principle) to rope you in, I wouldn’t trust him too much.

by Atypical Guy June 11, 2024

Jar play

Jar play is when you put a jar up your (or anothers) ass. Some may do this for pleasure, others for pain, but a select few do it simply to push the limits of the human body for scientific exploration. The primary concern for jar play enthusiasts is which end to put in first. Some are passionate about the lid first approach, because it eases you into the excruciating pain that is surely to come. Others prefer to dive right into it with the bottoms up approach, which involves shoving the larger side up in order to create a powerful suction that aids the jar up the ass. Both ways are lovely. To each their own. Happy jar play everybody!

M: “Hey Dani, what’s your kink?”
Q: “I’m super into jar play. Always been a lid first guy.”

by BeepBop9000 August 23, 2018

Vampire's Jelly Bean Jar

Eating out a girls blood clots from her pussy during her period

Lisa on her period and it looks like a Vampire's Jelly Bean Jar down there

by Coonass4life October 18, 2022

Booger Jar

he is very big and stronk and he is lit 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 he will also take yo MANZ and yo WOMANZ and he also ahs infinite x 0 iq lvls and beesaxuel


by Big Jaundice March 21, 2022

Swamp jar

Swamp jar. It's a jar of swamp. Fill a jar with swamp water.

Borald: Yo bro, how's the swamp jar going?
Joward: wrigglin and jigglin my dude

by Borald January 5, 2023