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Junk Food


She gave me great head and ended up swallowing my junk food.

by ctre6 July 10, 2012

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junk and stuff

used in conjunction with terms such as whatnot, this and that, and whoever, to describe a broad field of ideas.

milas: we should go swimming and junk and stuff.
rilesworth: yeah, we can go with whoever and do this and that and whatnot.

by rilesworth August 17, 2006

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junk in the trunk

stuff that has been rolling around in the trunk of your vehicle for months that you haven't bothered to clean up out of pure laziness. Usually found in old, beater cars that lack any aesthetic nature anyway.

I got fast food wrappers, bottles of motor oil and other random lubricants, an old pair of shoes, some rusted jumper cables, that VCR I was supposed to give back to my sister, empty beer cases and various other items that should really be thrown out. I need to get rid of some of my junk in the trunk.

by quiggler August 12, 2007

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swamp junk

The condensation that occurs when the swamp ass makes a magical journey over the fleshy fun bridge to the genital region

After i finished engaging in a marathon of a sexual encounter, i could feel the sweat from my swamp ass dribbling down my fleshy fun bridge and condesating into a severe case of swamp junk.

by Jitty Titty June 10, 2006

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junk sex

Sex with a prostitute that will almost certainly result in a venereal disease, and the pleasure in doing so.

I had this wicked junk sex last night with a filthy old prozzy slut, I hope I've got aids!

by Brian1234 January 4, 2007

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Stuff in the Junk

1. All of the parts of the digestive system
2. Nonsense

1. Your teacher asks you "what are all of the parts and their secretions in the digestive system? "you reply," stuff in the junk"
2. your friend says somthing sucks,you say "stuff in the junk"

by crazy bithes eating bitches December 16, 2008

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junk zombie

One who is addicted to, and often uses, illicit drugs,primarily narcotics(heroin, morphine, codeine, ecstacy,etc). The name is in reference to the zombielike state induced by these substances(apathy, lethargy, sluggishness)

jill:hey,where'd ron go?
michael:prob'ly went to shoot up some more heroin.what a junk zombie.

by red commie bastard November 26, 2006

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